So much has happened in the last few weeks. I attended a workshop for Inner Expansion to learn how to "heal" people from energetic attachments (souls who have passed on but not moved on)who become attached to us because of concepts and beliefs that we hold onto. Long story short, I was very disappointed with the training and had this ominous feeling that something wasn't quite right. I discussed my concerns with our facilitator and felt that he needs to do some more research on the Laws of Creation before he can teach this effectively. To back up a bit, I am only looking for ways to heal or improve myself that are EMPOWERING and can be taught to people to do on their own. I KNOW that anyone can heal from anything if given the chance. I thought that going to this workshop was going to open a door for me to help other people heal themselves but I was mistaken so now I feel like I'm back at square 1. When I told Howard that there has to be a way for people to do this on their own, he told me that no, their isn't because they would get "spooked". Well, I feel that if he really knew the Laws of Creation well enough and knew more about soul energy and the laws surrounding them that he would have figured it out. I don't agree with him and in fact, I figured out on my own, using my guidance, how to release these souls to their (angels) without inviting them into my body to communicate through me and the concepts or beliefs that attracted them there all at once! So, maybe the way he's doing it can't be done by oneself but using intent is 90% of it! It was obvious to me that he needs to focus on just teaching people about their guidance and how to communicate with it instead of his healing technique. I am not bashing him here. He's doing great things with inner expansion but I think he's just getting ahead of himself.
I left my job working for the chiropractor because 1, I was not happy doing it and 2 I felt like he was pushing me for results and 3, I got tired of his micro-managing and not saying one thing and doing something else. He'd say that he just wants more people to serve but then when someone doesn't start care with him for whatever reason, he completely shuts them out and I've seen him do it and I'm not the only one to notice this. I don't think he even realizes he does this or he's in complete denial that he does. I've had more than one person in his practice that has told me that he pushes too hard for more members and that they feel like he just wants more money. He is a great chiropractor and person with a wonderful family but it also feels as though he's really not interested in helping him clients get beyond the point where they need to see him. What he is doing is a great thing and he knows that our emotions get trapped in the body and manifest and dis-ease and subluxations but their is a better way to deal with it that people CAN practice on their own without having to see someone else for their healing. I am truly grateful to have had my spine healed from the work that he does and to have worked with him. As I gain experience in different jobs, I find myself re-evaluating what it is that I want.
After dealing with the fall-out of my "inner expansion weekend", I was talking with a new friend that coincidentally came from my connection with Howard that told me about The Journey. She gave me the book called "The Journey" written by Brandon Bays that is an account of her journey of self-discovery and healing that she discovered by accident. It was very moving and brought me to tears as I related with her personal story and triumph over emotional issues. I resonated completely with her "process" that she developed as a result of her experience and know that this is the answer to self-healing and it's so simple! It is better done with a partner but all the work is done by yourself! She has helped many people heal themselves of cancer, tumors and other "ailments". She herself had a basketball sized tumor that she was told would have to be surgically removed. She didn't agree and proceeded to heal herself with this process that she discovered. Why do I talk about this and what does it have to do with ascension? Well, part of the process of ascension for people is that we must heal our bodies and "dump" our emotional crap in order to raise our frequencies to ascend. Dis-ease is a lower frequency and keeps people in a lower frequency. The emotional garbage we hang onto is the cause of it. So, simple, get rid of the garbage, heal the body! This process is only for people who are ready to face their emotional "stuff" and truly heal. It's perfect for anyone consciously on the ascension path. Not everyone will be ready for this. It is intense work and not to be taken lightly. Please check out the website I have linked with this post. If you decide to register, please let them know you heard of it from me. Thanks. There is a workshop coming up in Longmont on the 31st of October and 1st of November. I plan on being there but also doing some sessions before then. I know this is what I've been looking for and is the key to my healing. And I'm ready to feel what I've been not allowing myself to feel for too long and ready to leap of the edge into the abyss to experience who I really am. As soon as I have my first experience with it, I'll write about it here. It's not done in one "process" and everyone had different "stuff" to process. I am ready to get rid of it all. I discovered with the meeting of a new friend, that my heart isn't as open as I thought and I have a lot of "stuff" I need to get rid of. I feel a deep connection to this person and I want to cultivate this new love I feel to the fullest and in order to do that I need to dump a lot of emotional garbage. I will keep you posted on what happens ; )