17 June, 2015

A Note of Compassion

This is a note of compassion for all those who choose not to wake up...

I think people don't want to wake up to what is going on our planet because of several reasons.  If they knew the truth about our enslavement, they would have to do something about it and what do you do?  They'd have to admit that our government does not really care about us even though it should be obvious.  They don't want to believe that our government would commit some of the horrors that they have like 9/11 and MANY others... they'd have to do something about it.  It's easier to believe that this isn't happening, it's easier to "maintain the status quo", it's easier NOT to change. 

Once you know something, you can't "unknow" it.  You then have to do something responsible with what you know.  Many people get overwhelmed with what they think  needs to be done to reclaim our sovereignty.  I understand that.  One step at a time... <3

Fortunately, there are people who are waking up!  There ARE people who are taking steps to do what they can to make this world a better place, to educate the nay-sayers to the truth of what is REALLY happening.

I've been in the military, I know what brain washing is.  They don't use brain washing to make us believe in all the "conspiracy theories".  They use brain washing to make you complacent so that you don't question what is going on or what you see.  They use fear to do that.  They put fluoride in the water for that reason, they make marijuana legal for that reason.  (a side note here... marijuana has it's place as a medicine, however,  when it is overused, apathy is the result and I speak from experience.  So try not to use it unless you have a medical reason ;-)) They put disinformation out there so that you have to use your discernment to feel for the truth and many people, I've discovered, do not know proper discernment.  They get confused and go into fear mode about what they've read and rather than take the time to do their inner work to learn how to do this, they give into what they've always known at their comfort level because it's easier. 

There is a lot more I could say here but the bottom line is this... it's OK!  Do what you are inspired to do.  If you are inspired to keep you head in the sand then do so.  If you are inspired to take a stand and further inspired with ideas of your own as to what you can do to make a difference, then do so.  It's all going to be OK, no matter what.  I look at the bigger picture, always.  I don't take anything too seriously because I KNOW it's all going to be ok.  What I do take seriously is my connection with my higher self where intuition comes from.  It has been a long process of learning how to discern that voice from the others.  I'm inspired to be a warrior for the light.  I'm a spiritual activist in that I've done (most) of my inner work in the 5 years I lived in Hawai'i and even before that.  I hold the line so-to-speak so that the rest of the world can keep on keepin' on for their own sake.  So they can continue to ignore what has been staring them in the face for decades now.  Things are easily hidden in plain sight.

I used to try to wake people up to the truth and just ended up losing "friends" or being called "crazy" when clearly, I was the one doing something different! lol  I have finally gotten to the point where I have no more desire and no more need to convince anyone of the truth I already KNOW and I know because I've taken the time to work on myself to be the person I want to be and to put my ego in it's proper place.  I lead from my heart and the heart knows ALL.  It doesn't mean I won't put my two cents out there for others or speak my mind.  I'm still about other people waking up.  I just no longer need to argue my points and waste my time with people who would rather stay asleep.  I love myself, I love who I am and I also love everyone else.  I don't always like who people choose to be so I just walk away.  That's the best way to love me, in the moment. 

The point of all this is, while everything will be ok, there is still time for those non-believers to make a choice.  The one free-will choice we all have... Love or fear.  The problem is not the situation or what was said, it's the thoughts we think about it that are the problem.  Remember that!  I think everyone will agree that it's important to keep an open mind as well as an open heart.  I'm not asking you to believe in anything, just keep the possibilities open.  Disclosure of ETs is the last "bomb" that the cabal is going to try to use against us.  They are expecting us to react in fear when it's my hope that people will welcome the help that they would bring in helping us change and improve what's going on.  They aren't here to "save" us, that's our own individual journey, but they can help us if we ask and enough people have asked for their help, however, it must also be our choice to WANT that help, to WANT disclosure.

So when the big day comes, do your best to NOT react in fear.  The cabal is counting on this!  I'm pretty sure that since we have had et's here already for thousands of years that if they wanted to destroy us, they would have done so already and aren't we well on our way to that all by ourselves?  NO, they want to help us turn things around and help us in the evolutionary process that is already underway of waking up and taking the next step to becoming RESPONSIBLE Galactic Citizens.  The cabal doesn't want this because it would be the end of their control over us.  Little do they know that the beings they are helping to have control over us have to desire to keep them around also and would destroy them in a heartbeat.  Have compassion for them please as I have compassion for all of you.  Love is what is going to save all of us and it's Love of self (not narcissism) but healthy love of the ego and the protector that it is for each and every one of us.  Ego love of self is narcissism while Love of self from the core TRUE Self is compassion.

Know Thy self and the truth will set you FREE!

Namaste and Aloha

PS  For those of you interested in the information for the work I did on myself, please visit:  www.selfleadership.org

I wrote a previous blog about this and Vipassana Meditation.  Those are the two paths that worked best for me.  There are lots of paths and it's up to you to find what works best for you! Aloha