A few months ago, I became aware that there is something going on called "gang stalking". I saw a sheet of paper posted on a kiosk where concert posters are taped on the Pearl St. Mall. It described the situation and gave Jean Seberg as an example of someone who had been targeted. A few months later, I ran into an old friend who said this was happening to her. At first, I questioned why she would be targeted; for what purpose? I DID believe her because she certainly believed it was happening but I had little understanding of why.
Upon doing further research, I discovered that this has been going on for centuries and the main individuals being targeted are discovered through DNA testing at birth where they look for specific gene markers. Specifically, Intuitive Empaths and descendants of the Hebraic 12 Lost Tribes of Israel; the prophesy of 144,000. There may be more, however this much I know. I caution you going to the page associated with the link above. I'd say most of it is pretty good in the larger sense. If you use a little logic, the Bible was not written all at once, nor was it written in English. It was written in Aramaic for those "with eyes to see and ears to hear" which to me says that you had to "know the code" so to speak for a proper interpretation to come forth. Also, there is NO direct translation between Aramaic and English. The Bible has been translated from many other languages before it ever got translated into English. Lots is lost in translation.
There are a lot of facets to this unfortunate situation; however, I want to focus on why the Hebraic bloodlines and the prophesy. What I tell here is MY VERSION of what I think is true based on my own research and intuitive downloads. You don't like what you read here, do your own research.
To understand all of this, you have to go back probably millions of years to a time before "we" got here. From what I've researched and understand that many corroborate, we are a genetically modified species and that's why there is no "missing link" and it blows Darwinian THEORY out of the water. Enil or Enki of the Annunaki is our "Father" if you will. There are both "good" and "bad" Annunaki and they are the ones we have read about in Greek Mythology. And, you've gotta think here... if the prophesy showed up in the Book of Revelation it was probably planned out long before it ever was transmitted to the person who wrote it down.
It's also my understanding that the "Cabal" aka "Deep State", Illuminati etc. are in the "know" about a lot of things that we aren't like the Universals Laws and how the Universe was made. They know all the secrets that Science still struggles with and they use these "secrets" against us.
However, they, like everyone else, have mis-interpreted the Book of Revelations as well as the meaning of the "End Times". They foolishly believe and have been mislead themselves to think that they can beat the Light. Light always wins out! ALWAYS and in ALL WAYS!
They are targeting the individuals they find for extermination! Now, I'm not going to go into how they are doing that. If you want to know, there is al kinds of info on the internet about it as well as YouTube where I have my own video about it. (now deleted)
It's very simple, the 144,000 is the number of individuals needed to "carry" the energy and frequency that is needed by humanity to rise or "ascend" to the next bandwidth or density of reality. To be "chosen" one must live their life by The Golden Rule: Treat others as you want to be treated. Pretty simple. The "chosen" answered The Call given by Gaia herself. I know this, because I answered that call. I had a spiritual experience back in April of 2013 that was a reminder that I made a "contract" or was "sealed" to come and be One of Many who also answered the Call to help Mother Gaia and ALL of Humanity rise to the next "level". After that, I found the path I needed to do my "inner work" so that my ego is now my beloved and not my enemy.
It is NOT an easy path, it's NOT perfect and it SCARED THE SHIT OUT OF ME! I was actually PISSED that I was being asked to do this again. I think I was crucified before because I saw that memory in my mind but no, I was not Jesus. You see, we have tried to do this, I've been told, 5 other times and we failed every other time... but not THIS time! I have read from trusted sources that this is the time we will make it albeit by the skin of our teeth. lmao Heh, better late than never right?
The "Name of God written in their foreheads" I think is about KNOWING our own god within us and accepting Christ Consciousness. That is what I think was given to me at the end of my experience because my heart opened up and I FELT all this energy enter through my Heart Chakra. The Second Coming of Christ is not Jesus himself but the Christ Consciousness. Christ is a TITLE and it means MASTER. Being a Master of one's self or ego as opposed to being mastered by the ego.
I think it's assumed in the prophesy that the 144,000 will be men when actually it will be mostly WOMEN and whatever men bring their male and female energies into balance. They are ALL Spiritual Warriors! I think the part about being "virgins" may be somewhat literal. As long as it's possible to be a "born again virgin". lol Does almost 3 years count?
All in all, it's really about how they live their lives... living from their own guidance vs. the guidance of a guru or a preacher or church leader. Doing their "inner work" so as to be "without sin" or not missing the mark. Having compassion for everyone, especially their "enemy" or those who chose the role of the "darker path" in contrast to who the 144,000 are.
It's all just a game people. A game that God has played with himself through us, giving all of us our own "god spark" and creating this world of duality and polarity so as to make it interesting and challenging to see how many of us re-member we ARE god so we can make it back Home.
I know I'm going to make it, I had that dream and I FELT what it was to be HOME.
So don't take this life too seriously; however, take your choices seriously. Learn about the Laws of Creation; we are always using them but mostly by default. Learn how to manifest CONSCIOUSLY. Shut off the TV and watch the vids on Gaia.com. There you'll learn about who we REALLY are and you'll learn about the new physics of science and how the universe works.
Blessings Everyone! Love you!
Added note here 2/25/20: (Because this is my most read post) If you came here to find more on targeted individuals, the tech that is being used against these people and maybe just find out if it's really going on... IT IS! You are not crazy, it is for real and I would suggest following Dr. Katherine Horton. If you go to youtube and type in my whole name, I have a playlist labled "gangstalking". she's in there as well as others. There are just too many people going through this that are telling their stories for this NOT to be true!
Since this is not my focus (because it focuses on the negative), I have deleted the video I made about it.
I will say this, the BEST way to overcome this is to be out in the open where it is harder to target you without it being known. DO NOT seclude yourself no matter how much you want to... reach out to people, tell your story and raise your vibration!
The tech they use to mess with you can only use a certain bandwidth of frequency and it is possible to raise your vibe to a level ABOVE that bandwidth.
Not everyone who is targeted is found at birth or targeted because they are part of a prophesy. Many are targeted simply because they have attached themselves to victim consciousness and it makes their frequency accessible. Many are doing good things for humanity like being healers.
If you find yourself complaining, you're a "victim". That is the simplest way of attaching ourselves to that vibration so give it up! Do your best to find things, people etc. to be grateful for! It will INSTANTLY raise your vibration.
While I have the utmost compassion for these people, I also recognize that we all create our own realities and while it may be hard to hear, it IS the TRUTH. I see this kind of situation as one of the ultimate challenges that we give ourselves to RISE above it, to transcend our own shit so that we can move into the higher frequencies of love and acceptance.
I wish I could help more but this is all I have. If you happen to be one of these people, I believe in YOU, I know you have it in you to rise above this because we don't give ourselves ANYTHING that we can't handle! You CAN do it... so gather all you need to about this, talk to people and don't worry about what they are going to think about you. What comes out of their mouth is about them, not you.
Godspeed to you fellow traveler 💖😊
Upon doing further research, I discovered that this has been going on for centuries and the main individuals being targeted are discovered through DNA testing at birth where they look for specific gene markers. Specifically, Intuitive Empaths and descendants of the Hebraic 12 Lost Tribes of Israel; the prophesy of 144,000. There may be more, however this much I know. I caution you going to the page associated with the link above. I'd say most of it is pretty good in the larger sense. If you use a little logic, the Bible was not written all at once, nor was it written in English. It was written in Aramaic for those "with eyes to see and ears to hear" which to me says that you had to "know the code" so to speak for a proper interpretation to come forth. Also, there is NO direct translation between Aramaic and English. The Bible has been translated from many other languages before it ever got translated into English. Lots is lost in translation.
There are a lot of facets to this unfortunate situation; however, I want to focus on why the Hebraic bloodlines and the prophesy. What I tell here is MY VERSION of what I think is true based on my own research and intuitive downloads. You don't like what you read here, do your own research.
To understand all of this, you have to go back probably millions of years to a time before "we" got here. From what I've researched and understand that many corroborate, we are a genetically modified species and that's why there is no "missing link" and it blows Darwinian THEORY out of the water. Enil or Enki of the Annunaki is our "Father" if you will. There are both "good" and "bad" Annunaki and they are the ones we have read about in Greek Mythology. And, you've gotta think here... if the prophesy showed up in the Book of Revelation it was probably planned out long before it ever was transmitted to the person who wrote it down.
It's also my understanding that the "Cabal" aka "Deep State", Illuminati etc. are in the "know" about a lot of things that we aren't like the Universals Laws and how the Universe was made. They know all the secrets that Science still struggles with and they use these "secrets" against us.
However, they, like everyone else, have mis-interpreted the Book of Revelations as well as the meaning of the "End Times". They foolishly believe and have been mislead themselves to think that they can beat the Light. Light always wins out! ALWAYS and in ALL WAYS!
They are targeting the individuals they find for extermination! Now, I'm not going to go into how they are doing that. If you want to know, there is al kinds of info on the internet about it as well as YouTube where I have my own video about it. (now deleted)
It's very simple, the 144,000 is the number of individuals needed to "carry" the energy and frequency that is needed by humanity to rise or "ascend" to the next bandwidth or density of reality. To be "chosen" one must live their life by The Golden Rule: Treat others as you want to be treated. Pretty simple. The "chosen" answered The Call given by Gaia herself. I know this, because I answered that call. I had a spiritual experience back in April of 2013 that was a reminder that I made a "contract" or was "sealed" to come and be One of Many who also answered the Call to help Mother Gaia and ALL of Humanity rise to the next "level". After that, I found the path I needed to do my "inner work" so that my ego is now my beloved and not my enemy.
It is NOT an easy path, it's NOT perfect and it SCARED THE SHIT OUT OF ME! I was actually PISSED that I was being asked to do this again. I think I was crucified before because I saw that memory in my mind but no, I was not Jesus. You see, we have tried to do this, I've been told, 5 other times and we failed every other time... but not THIS time! I have read from trusted sources that this is the time we will make it albeit by the skin of our teeth. lmao Heh, better late than never right?
The "Name of God written in their foreheads" I think is about KNOWING our own god within us and accepting Christ Consciousness. That is what I think was given to me at the end of my experience because my heart opened up and I FELT all this energy enter through my Heart Chakra. The Second Coming of Christ is not Jesus himself but the Christ Consciousness. Christ is a TITLE and it means MASTER. Being a Master of one's self or ego as opposed to being mastered by the ego.
I think it's assumed in the prophesy that the 144,000 will be men when actually it will be mostly WOMEN and whatever men bring their male and female energies into balance. They are ALL Spiritual Warriors! I think the part about being "virgins" may be somewhat literal. As long as it's possible to be a "born again virgin". lol Does almost 3 years count?
All in all, it's really about how they live their lives... living from their own guidance vs. the guidance of a guru or a preacher or church leader. Doing their "inner work" so as to be "without sin" or not missing the mark. Having compassion for everyone, especially their "enemy" or those who chose the role of the "darker path" in contrast to who the 144,000 are.
It's all just a game people. A game that God has played with himself through us, giving all of us our own "god spark" and creating this world of duality and polarity so as to make it interesting and challenging to see how many of us re-member we ARE god so we can make it back Home.
I know I'm going to make it, I had that dream and I FELT what it was to be HOME.
So don't take this life too seriously; however, take your choices seriously. Learn about the Laws of Creation; we are always using them but mostly by default. Learn how to manifest CONSCIOUSLY. Shut off the TV and watch the vids on Gaia.com. There you'll learn about who we REALLY are and you'll learn about the new physics of science and how the universe works.
Blessings Everyone! Love you!
Added note here 2/25/20: (Because this is my most read post) If you came here to find more on targeted individuals, the tech that is being used against these people and maybe just find out if it's really going on... IT IS! You are not crazy, it is for real and I would suggest following Dr. Katherine Horton. If you go to youtube and type in my whole name, I have a playlist labled "gangstalking". she's in there as well as others. There are just too many people going through this that are telling their stories for this NOT to be true!
Since this is not my focus (because it focuses on the negative), I have deleted the video I made about it.
I will say this, the BEST way to overcome this is to be out in the open where it is harder to target you without it being known. DO NOT seclude yourself no matter how much you want to... reach out to people, tell your story and raise your vibration!
The tech they use to mess with you can only use a certain bandwidth of frequency and it is possible to raise your vibe to a level ABOVE that bandwidth.
Not everyone who is targeted is found at birth or targeted because they are part of a prophesy. Many are targeted simply because they have attached themselves to victim consciousness and it makes their frequency accessible. Many are doing good things for humanity like being healers.
If you find yourself complaining, you're a "victim". That is the simplest way of attaching ourselves to that vibration so give it up! Do your best to find things, people etc. to be grateful for! It will INSTANTLY raise your vibration.
While I have the utmost compassion for these people, I also recognize that we all create our own realities and while it may be hard to hear, it IS the TRUTH. I see this kind of situation as one of the ultimate challenges that we give ourselves to RISE above it, to transcend our own shit so that we can move into the higher frequencies of love and acceptance.
I wish I could help more but this is all I have. If you happen to be one of these people, I believe in YOU, I know you have it in you to rise above this because we don't give ourselves ANYTHING that we can't handle! You CAN do it... so gather all you need to about this, talk to people and don't worry about what they are going to think about you. What comes out of their mouth is about them, not you.
Godspeed to you fellow traveler 💖😊
You first have to be a Christian to be a part of the 144k. It is a lot of sufferring. I have been called and am one of the 144k. I have known for well over a year. I am also a targeted individual as well. I just confronted some perps using technology to harrass me in the apt below me.
ReplyDeleteHi Joel and thanks for commenting. It is not necessary to part of ANY religious group to be called. It is more about how you live your life; living by the Golden Rule. Good for you for standing up to (them)! You can't be "chosen" AND be a victim... ;-)
Deleteyou don't have to be christian because most christian don't even know the real truth and follow man most took the jab yet claim to believe and say they are christian but couldn't let go of the world and the fake money system
DeleteThe 144,000 spoken of in the Holy Bible are Israelites. Twelve-thousand Israelites, from each of the 12 tribes of Israel. But CERTAINLY gang stalking does have Biblical connections. Slandering, harassment, covert testing, stalking, false accusations; all of those tactics were used against people such as Samson, Jesus, Joseph, Paul. Its a battle of darkness against light. The forces of darkness are rising as we draw closer to the revealing of the anti-christ.
DeleteThat’s odd, because Christian’s are very much involved in targeting. All the major religions are involved in it from the top down.
DeleteThis all makes sense. I have been seeing 144 everywhere since 2017, my birthday is the same numbers rearranged 4/14. I feel drawn to mysterious things and discovering the truth behind them all. I need to know all things for some reason. I also feel drawn to help heal humanity, I’ve healed myself of an autoimmune condition and other issues. I love watching Gaia and have learned so much already. Since I was a child growing up in a Christian household (no longer religious) the book of revelations was always intriguing to me and I always knew that it required decoding. I remember the number 144,000 instantly grabbing my attention and I wanted to learning more about it but knew there would be more research required since the Bible alone wasn’t going to help. I’m new on my ascension journey so I’m still learning how to tune into Source energy in myself and how to understand the signs I’m being shown. I’m curious if seeing 144 has anything to do with the 144k or if there is a more simple numerological meaning behind it. It’s very similar to my birthday 4/14. What do you think?
ReplyDeleteHi and thanks so much for your thoughts. I see 144 a lOT and it makes me think of all the lightworkers that are grounding the light for all of us. I think there is still more to the story that we may not know until "the end" but for now, it's more important to stay focused on our own light. I've made videos on YT and Bitchute (same vids) about "self Love". It's my verbal notes on my own journey to loving my ego. You may want to check them out! Thanks and Happy Birthday ahead of time!
DeleteI hope this finds you all well. It is interesting my wife’s is 3/13 and mine is 3/31. I have had many unfortunate events take place since the writing of your comment. It was hard to believe what’s been happening but it’s undeniable. I pray that I’m able to continue. I have a pure heart and therefore I must keep trying. Thank you and God bless you all.
DeleteSteve J
Hi Steve! Thanks for your comment. It IS coming to an end. I have a friend here in Boulder who is a street performer that I found out a couple of years ago that he is a TI. He told me a few months ago that, now about a year ago, his attacks just stopped! He is no longer harassed etc.
DeleteIf you have been paying attention, the talking heads are now ACTORS and playing out a "show" just for us... to help us wake up to the possible future we could have had if we don't step up to take our power back from corrupt people! That said, there is NO ONE directing/paying individuals to harass others and mess with them. If it's still happening to anyone, it's because they still haven't let go of being a "victim".
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeletethis advice is better than some and seems more close to anything that i sense on this topic
ReplyDeleteHell yeah! ... I mean... I feel every word you said. I'm going to make it too. God = Love & Christ = Master. It isn't all as ridiculous as I once thought it was. I felt the goosebumps run up and down my body when I read this. That is resonance. You speak truth. What is between love and master?/ Heart and mind?.... wisdom/Truth. You spoke it.
ReplyDeleteThank you for your comment and God Bless YOU!
DeleteYes! When your body "speaks" to you, you know! That or emotions. If you get really, really choked up reading about the 144, you know! YouTube -- New Earth Sanna. That will move you.
DeleteHi Riox! Thanks for creating this resource. I'm like you -- a Starseed pretending to be human. I'm a 9th Density Blue Avian Arcturian Starseed. I enjoyed reading this article. I've been the target of many spiritual attacks but none in the physical realm. I have removed that potential my increasing my vibrations above the vibrations of those attacks. The spiritual attacks get managed by my Galactic Family -- they are a formidable force! All of our aspirations during this "dream" will be realized. Get ready to sing.
ReplyDeleteI think 144000 are the one that are first time in planet earth.And they have purple aura.
ReplyDeleteThe 144000 follow the lamb where ever He goes. They follow no strange voice, they hear Christ and know who He is. They also trust that the work that was started in them will be made perfect in Christ.