02 November, 2019

The Last Four Days...

Ever since the energy spike marked by an uptick in the Schumann Resonance, I have been almost giddy and generally feeling bubbly and very happy.  This started on the 29th of October.  

That day I also received a shipment of "I am Joy" which, initially, I thought may have been the reason why I felt so good, however, I realized that I didn't use this product (a combination of hemp oil, Mono-atomic Gold and C60) until late in the afternoon and I was definitely feeling my giddiness before that.

I did have something happen where I felt my energy "fall" and that was when I saw my housemates watching an episode of "Colbert" and Nancy Pelosi was his guest.  It had to be a recent episode because she was talking about the vote in the House that had just happened to approve the new "rules" for impeachment.  UGH!  I listened long enough to feel my energy drop and so I went to my room.  

It's getting harder and harder for me to keep following even the alt media on the internet to keep up with how the exposure of the "deep state" is proceeding because it's starting to get really ugly!  While I know this is necessary, I don't necessarily agree with how it's being done and they are being made to suffer on purpose.  I get it and I don't condone what they have done but that doesn't make it "right" for Trump and Q to be doing it also.  Not really much I can do except put my attention on what feels better!  😉💖

I'm just ecstatic that I am feeling lighter, happier and more like the REAL ME!