I think it's about time I write about the uselessness of wearing a mask to avoid a virus AND how it's actually MORE harmful to wear one.
I'll first say, I have worked in the medical industry. It was for a short time in the US Military and in that time, I learned a LOT by osmosis. What I will share with you is the reason why I gave up "doctors" and took back responsibility for my own health and why I don't trust vaccines/immunizations etc because they are all based on "germ theory". (not to mention what they put in them and that there is a LAW that prevents you from SUING them if you get "injured" by their negligence! Yeah, you need to go look THAT ONE up too!) I'm VERY healthy at 54. I don't even use "insurance" which is a TOTAL scam! Basically, you're BETTING (gamble) that you are going to get sick so you can use the money that you've paid into the company and (they) are betting that you won't so that they get to keep it. This "insurance business" is just that and business is about MAKING money, not giving it back!
These medical masks that people wear were designed to catch spittle and sweat from the doctor during surgery and prevent (them) from entering the surgical site. THAT'S IT!
Not only is there no evidence that wearing a mask prevents the transmission of any microscopic critter, it doesn't prevent you from having it transmitted to you or coming into contact with it. THERE ARE NO MASKS DESIGNED FOR THIS. Until this particular virus came out, there has never been the HYPE given to viruses like this one. If masks truly worked, they would recommend you wear one every flu season and they don't and never will.
Mask are harmful because they encourage the user to inhale his own exhaust which is mostly carbon dioxide and various toxins. The body eliminates toxins not just through the normal ways we consider (sweat, urine and feces) but also through our breath! People are re-infecting themselves with what their bodies are trying to get rid of!
Some other points to consider: In an interview with Dr. Fauci on (March 7th?) he said that we shouldn't be wearing masks and basically said what I did above about them. He has since flip/flopped on that. That alone should raise questions. NONE of the home made masks that people are wearing or any cloth masks have EVER been tested for their efficacy.
There are many more ways that a virus can enter the body other than your mouth and nose. This virus is SO SMALL it can go in through a pore in your skin. Doctors aren't even clear where they come from (we make them) and this one has been seen by geneticists to have been created in a lab. There are tell-tale signs when there has been genetic manipulation done.
Dr. Judy Mikovits has said in her interview in the movie, "Plandemic" that the Corona virus HAS NEVER BEEN ISOLATED! This statement alone gives more credit to that it has been man-made.
For myself, after working in the medical industry and seeing first-hand that they way "medicine" is practiced CLEARLY does not work to keep people healthy as the number THREE cause of death in the US is medically related coming after heart disease and cancer.
The current system that is used is based on "germ THEORY" which is still a theory but it gained traction back over a hundred years ago when Antoine Bechamp and Louis Pasteur (where we get pasteurization from) were on opposite sides of the fence as to what it was that made people sick. Pasteur's theory was germ related and Bechamp's was that it was related to the "terrain" of the body, meaning either it was too acidic/low oxygen (perfect breeding ground for the "bad" bacteria) or it was alkaline/high oxygen which is what the "good" bacteria in our gut needs to propagate.
Pasteur wasn't attached to his theory and he actually said on his deathbed that Antoine was right! See that article here.
It's my own theory that, as I said above, that we make these viruses ourselves as does every other animal. Let me explain how I came to this conclusion.
Over the course of my life, science has said this and that only to correct themselves on various things. Back in the 80's I remember it being said that once a brain cell dies that it doesn't regenerate. Well, now we know that is false. I mean, it makes sense right? If cells replicate to be replaced, why wouldn't EVERY cell have that capability? It's also now known that DNA can repair itself. I think viruses are ONE of the ways that is done.
Viruses, by themselves, are NOT alive. They are comprised of particles of RNA (which is half of the double helix strand; the other being DNA) and proteins. Read this article here to get an idea of what I'm taking about. Since RNA and DNA are species specific, it makes sense that each species of animal makes their own. It's my belief that viruses are responsible for the leaps in evolution that our bodies make and it's also how each of our bodies communicates with the others so that it can share "upgrades" in immunity etc.
I believe that viruses are actually necessary to the evolution of the species and that they are not the "bad guy" that science purports them to be. Science has even admitted that they don't know how they are created and what their true purpose is.
I'm going to stop there. Hopefully I have given you enough information to activate your curiosity to go further on your own. I'm not here to give you all the answers. I find that when I do my own research (and allows others to do THEIR own) that I am much more likely to find the truth and believe it! You have to be willing to go down "the rabbit hole" if you will because it will take you into territory that is going to contradict what we have all been told/taught.
You're going to have to feel out for yourself if what you find out is true or not and find sources that you trust.
I lost my faith in the scientist themselves because, unfortunately as I found out, many of them (most of them) are reliant on the money they receive to do their research that comes from sources that would rather they NOT publish. Many of these sources are the pharmaceutical companies themselves as well as other members of society/institutions that vie to control us by keeping us sick, ignorant and dumbed down and only care about getting our money to enrich themselves.
Why else would any Dr., (Fauci) who has risen to the top of a health organization (NIH) give us such contrasting advice over a simple thing as wearing a mask? It makes you wonder... either he is NOT the expert that he is touted to be or there is something else going on. I say both because I don't consider ANYONE in the medical community any sort of "expert" when people are sicker today than EVER! All you have to do is take an honest look at a span of a hundred years or so and compare the health and well being of people in the past to the people today to see that something is not adding up!
I could go on and on by then, this post would be too long...😉 I'll say, in a nutshell, that when you consider that (as far as viruses/bacteria are concerned) science admits they don't know everything, that people make mistakes and that lots of data/information is suppressed (like CURES) happens... it would NOT make ANY sense whatsoever to put your health in the hands of someone else, allow someone to give you a vaccine or tell you how to keep yourself healthy! It defies LOGIC.
One last note: I do have respect for those Dr.s that figured this out also and went out on their own to do THEIR OWN RESEARCH and publish their findings and practice medicine from a holistic position. We call these people "naturopaths".
I wish you the best in your search for the Truth.💖💪😘