I have to say I'm shocked at the following I have all over the world. It's one person here and there but it's on just about every continent!
I want everyone to know, WE THE PEOPLE, here in the USA are holding the line as well as the spiritual warriors (of which I am One). We are about to break free of the control of the British Crown once and for all!
This a fight for not just our freedom from the UK, it's a fight for the way of life of both sides.
Given the cycle of time we are in (if you know about this) all that is happening must, by virtue of vibration, have a positive outcome (happy ending for most in the physical and for ALL in the spiritual).
Remember, from a spiritual perspective, there is no duality; no good/bad, right or wrong etc. All is the perspective we GIVE it here in the physical reality that is here for our experience and to remember WHO WE REALLY ARE.
This "fight" is a reflection of the collective conflict we all contribute to on some level as well as the individual conflict we go through ourselves.
Our Brothers and Sisters that chose the Dark Path did so out of LOVE for ALL of us to provide the contrast necessary for this transition into a lighter, less dense frequency of vibration (5th density of the 3rd Dimension). They are no less divine than the rest of us. From my perspective, they chose the harder of the two paths because of the karma they have incurred that still must be paid. We have ALL taken the dark path at some point in our incarnations JUST for the purpose of experience.
All that said, PLEASE, PLEASE PLEASE do your best to hold compassion for these people... they are going to need it!
It's almost over, the hardest part is yet to come (the revealing and explanation of all information that we have been waiting for) AND the BEST will come soon after that!
Godspeed to you all who read this, I Love you! Many Blessings!
You can read other posts relating to what I have said... Open letter to those on the Dark Path, ascension and the Prophesy of the 144,000.
www.simonparkes.org (go to his blog for updates)
www.drcharlieward.com another great source