05 December, 2014

Knowledge is dangerous

Why is knowledge dangerous?  Well, for one thing, we have all of our knowing in our core/heart space so anytime we are “learning” anything, we’re just teaching our ego.  We then have the responsibility to use that knowledge wisely.  What you don’t know can’t hurt you while knowing and not using the information to the best of your ability is worse than not having the knowledge at all.  Not only that, this is how the ego “learns” what love looks and sounds like so it can deceive the person into thinking that he/she is in the heart when, really, it’s not true.  Information is one way the ego can deceive us into thinking we’ve “gotten somewhere” when we haven’t or that we really know what we know when we don’t.  We think we know, so we stop there and close our mind to anything else. Let's just say, this is most but not all people thank goodness!

As I walk my own path of awakening, I am learning that to go within and ask there is the best way to go about getting accurate information.  Who is it that we are asking?  I believe it’s our Higher Self.  The best time to ask within is during meditation as that’s when we are more likely to connect with that part of ourselves.  Isn’t that what we’ve been told by so many gurus and spiritual teachers over so many years is to go within?  It really is true!  Otherwise, if we are relying on outside information for our answers, we are then responsible for making sure the information is accurate and too many people don’t do enough of their own questioning/investigating to make sure of that.  There is a way and that is to use your FEELINGS to determine if what you have been told is true or not.  It’s my opinion that most people don’t do this.  We have largely become complacent and dependent on sources outside of ourselves for information and we have (mostly) relied on this information to be true when it sometimes isn’t.  Also, not everyone but a large portion of our population is disconnected from their feelings for one reason or another to even use their feelings to determine if what they “know” is true or not.  I am also finding that as I awaken, information that I need comes to me effortlessly and sometimes WITHOUT me having to ask for it.  I’m just ready for it.  I don’t feel the need to study anything or go looking for information.  All I have to do is ask for what I want to know and it shows up in a dream or in meditation or my own intuition.  If it comes to me through an email, a book, a thread on facebook etc, I do use my feelings to determine if what has come to me is truth or not if it comes to me through these sources.  Sometimes I am guided to find a book or I’ll run into the person who has the information I need and I trust my guidance so I trust these sources also.

I think there will be a time in the very near future where we will be completely shaken up as we find out that the history we have been told about ourselves is not even close to being true as well as some of the “teachings” that have been around for centuries are also inaccurate.  I think it’s important that we just keep our minds open to other possibilities of truth that may conflict with what we have been taught so far.  It’s a wild ride already, yes?  It’s only going to get wilder!

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