23 October, 2022

The Rollercoaster (LMAO) and living in 5D😇

I watched this video a few days ago about the difference between living in 3D versus 5D.  I wish they would make this distinction in the video but they don't:  We are NOT leaving the 3rd Dimension!  We are NOT leaving the physical plane.  We ARE SHIFTING from the dense 3rd Density of the 3rd Dimension to the less dense 5th Density of the 3rd Dimension.  (Much like the Rainbow; each color is less dense and a different vibration, represented by the color, than the next) What that means is, as we move though Space, we are moving to a less dense area of Space as well as a higher vibration.  Our Consciousness is EXPANDING to include more perspectives (standing in someone else's shoes) and raising our vibration through cultivating compassion for our lesser (ego) selves and "others" through doing our "inner work" which is getting into the nitty gritty of our traumas and resolving them.

It was a great video and I realized as I was watching it that I've been experiencing living in 5D here and there.  It started a long time ago, however, I'm spending more and more time there consistently!  That is SO exciting to me! 

I KNOW without a doubt that for the last week or so, I've been in the 5th Density because on Friday, while dog sitting, I got together with a girlfriend and before that actually happened, it was one thing after another with delays, unexpected changes and the like but I never lost my patience or my humor throughout!  We were both laughing at all that was happening and I listened to this video again with her so she could hear about it as well.

Well, here I go again... I feel on top of the world for more than a few days and then BOOM!  I'm feeling my energy go back down in vibration from being triggered by the dogs that I sit for.  Oy Vey!  Have to laugh though... I know I can't blame them; wouldn't do me any good anyway.  I KNOW that they are just triggering me and that they are showing me I have some more work to do.  

I am feeling a quicker turn-around though.  Rather than staying there for days or even a week like it used to be, I'm only there for maybe a few hours or less!  I'm doing much better (and faster) at finding suitable ways to change my vibration to one that feels better.  

For one thing, we just had (yesterday) Venus going into Libra for the first time since the 1770's!  The renaissance was happening at that time with the explosion of classical music and art.  Video HERE

It's bringing more harmony and love to all our relationships.👫

I got to have a mini experience of that with my Son this morning.  I really missed out on knowing my own kid because I was living in Hawai'i from when he was almost 8 until 12.  I found out a few things about him today that I never knew!  It definitely brought my vibe up quite a bit.

I also apologized to the dogs about my own behavior to them (yelling mostly and just generally annoyed with their antics) and that helped.  

Being outside in nature helps a lot too and I also went to the gym for some red light therapy.  

So there you have it.  I can FEEL the difference in myself as opposed to a decade or even just a few years ago with changing my vibration to one that feels better.  It's happening faster, I'm remembering to actually DO it and I'm spending less time feeling lost, stuck and down in the dumps!  YAY!


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