OMGosh! THIS man! He is the real deal. There is no doubt in my mind. I even tried to re-join Facebook to post about him. (I didn't because it's been almost 7 years since I left and I would have to re-friend everyone!) lol
His website is here and I HIGHLY recommend his services. I found him because I listened to a Blossom Goodchild video (here) about him and other things she was sharing and her testimonial alone was convincing enough for me along with what I felt to go to his site and check him out. I have been listening to Blossom for many years and AND doing her I AM mantra. She is the real deal too!😉💖
I also bought his book (ONEO) after I had already become a member on his platform and was doing the meditations. CAUTION: If you buy his book, start at page 324, read to the end and THEN read from the beginning. If you start from the beginning, you may not read to the end because it could be downright depressing knowing what happened to this man! People were downright HORRIBLE to him!😳😵😶 That's JUST MY recommendation and what I wished I had done. I'm sure consciousness had a reason for him to start where he did. Please READ his book!
I really want you to go to his website and peruse through so I'm not going to give a lot of details here, however, from what I saw happen to people it was just miraculous and he is SUCH a different person from the one in the book after his own miraculous healing! His YouTube channel is here. I suggest you watch/listen to any of the "Metaphysical Mirror" sessions that he uploaded to get an idea of what he does. There is also one of the "Tesla 3-6-9" Meditations that he recorded that you can do while you're listening to get a taste. It will have the same or nearly the same effect as if you were doing it live with him, however, have NO expectations and just allow yourself to experience what he does.
I did not feel anything in the meditations until about a week in and, mind you, I had already been feeling "happy for no reason" of my own accord,(see the previous post) however, something besides the dream I had the night before I signed up, was telling me that this was the last puzzle piece, if you will, to my own completion of this leg of my journey. If you have followed my blog at all you'll understand that I have this one nagging part of my ego left that just won't quit with the judgment!
The night before I signed up, I was dreaming that I was outside and it was dark and as I looked into the sky, I saw two Blue UFO's above me. One was brighter than the other and the dimmer one was following the brighter one. As my dream progressed, I found myself in someone else's house, then on a farm and finally in a restaurant where, the whole time, I was trying to "find my way out". I'm still interpreting this dream and even as I remember now, three weeks later, I'm having more clarity of it.
The next day, when I signed up and I was looking at the meditations available, I noticed there was one called "Blue Light Love" and I knew my dream was about connecting with this couple and becoming a member!
A week into my membership, we had just finished what he calls "Tesla 3-6-9" and I had felt some tingling in my head and warmth of my feet and lower back. I raised my hand to share. (all these meditations happen live on a zoom call) I was the first to raise my hand and (they) called on me! I told him I had only been there a week (it was my 4th meditation) and he was surprised that I was feeling the vibrations already. Most people take quite a while before they feel anything and I didn't tell them (he and his wife) that I had been doing my own inner "parts" work for many years.
I still want to kick myself for not sharing more and for not asking about what I had wanted to like most people do. I know, like most people, I'm dealing with some "un-worthyness" issues and that was what was holding me back. I've only got 4 meditations left for this month before I have to re-up for another month. I was really hoping to only do this for a month.
I do not have the same reactions that some people have, yet I have also not had the one on one time with him that I've seen other people have so it's hard for me to know just how much I'm getting out of this based on what I've already done for myself.
Still, this man... you just have to read for yourself what he went through "the day he died" and how he came out of it without an inner voice and having the gift of communicating with Consciousness.
Granted, this will not be for everyone and he knows this, however, if it resonates with you, I suggest you start! It's VERY affordable and done on a donation and "pay it forward" basis. ENJOY!💝💖💪😇😘