I'm posting my comment to an article I read that's about Boulder. This is where I live and it's a "sanctuary city". Personally, I'm DONE with this BS. I've included the article here so that you have the background and I'm including my comment because it has to be "accepted" before it's published. Given that I'm in disagreement with what they are saying (basically they will be telling people how they can shelter illegal immigrants from ICE) and I'm not sure that the "facts" they presented are accurate with regard to warrants; there is no guarantee that my comment will be published.
My comment:
I’m all for immigration, however, I want to KNOW that these people came here LEGALLY. I want Boulder to be DONE as a sanctuary city. There is NO WAY of telling who is a criminal and who isn’t by looking at them and that is a BIG problem. All you have to do is go to Nextdoor and read the threads of how crime in Boulder has risen since being a “sanctuary city”. The only people who have something to REALISTICALLY fear are those who came here illegally and those who hired some of these people who are afraid they may have to do their own house cleaning, yard work or lose their favorite fast food restaurant. The “Swamp” is deep and wide and people are kidding themselves if they think corruption isn’t found in Boulder. Personally, I’m grateful that the wall is being finished, people are being sent back to where they came from and criminals are being put where they belong. Let’s not forget, OBAMA deported MILLIONS of people so let’s not cry “boo-hoo” just yet. Let those who came here as “victims” go back and elect a leader that will put them first so that they can be proud of the country they came from instead of running away “for a better life somewhere else”. It’s high time EVERY human being stands up for themselves to be treated as such! Why should we be protecting these people when we have people that LIVE HERE LEGALLY that need to come first?! Let the chips fall where they may.
Also, there doesn’t seem to be any consideration in this article to the people living here that are afraid to walk down the street alone or be out at night because they’re not sure if the person following them or ahead of them may be a criminal? You can’t just make this one sided. Boulder LEGAL residents MUST come FIRST!
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