My online journal as I navigate through life to help other people as they follow their own path of ascension. This is my own perspective of life and what I have learned and continue to learn as I go along. Please take everything I say here with "a grain of salt" as this is MY perspective and opinion as I understand from my own experience of Life. If you find you have "issues" with what I say, then please, for your own sake, do your own research, seek your own experience.
21 July, 2009
Donations and other stuff
So, as you can see, I added a donation button to my sidebar. I'm not going to ask for your money but if you like what I have to say and you want to keep reading more, then by all means please donate something. I won't feel bad if you don't but it can't hurt to have it there. I am not working at the moment and am quickly running out of funds and I haven't paid my internet bill for 2 months now or my rent(yikes!)I am in the process of educating myself to do something that will empower people to communicate with their own guidance(and make $$ at it). I learned this technique myself 7 months ago and it's pretty amazing to have a conversation with my guidance(angels). I haven't talked about it yet because I wanted to build a foundation for who I am first. I have many sources to share with links to websites etc. but all in due time. I am toying around with some ideas for this blog on what kind of format to use. I have considered just using it as a daily journal to update people on my progress of using the Laws of Creation. I have considered using it just as a teaching tool for Ascension or using it just for promoting the sources of teachings that have gotten me where I am. I think I will make a new survey and ask YOU what you think I should do with it. What would you like to read about. I can tell you right now, I am not interested in all the drivel that people talk about on their blogs. I couldn't care less about current events or what people think about them. I must be something about ascension. I feel that is the most important event going on right now. And it is going on right now even if you don't believe it is. I know that may sound crazy but everything connects to that to be sure. What matters most right now is that our thoughts change to what we want the world to be like and then talk about THAT and do the things that will propel us in that direction. Make sure your thoughts, words and actions are in alignment. That is sooo crucial right now. And it is what I am practicing. It doesn't take long to manifest these days so be careful what you ask for. I am not an expert on ascension or the Laws of Creation but I am willing to take the leap of faith necessary to be a pioneer for others to show that you DON'T have to work your ass off to live, you don't have to have a lot of $$ to be happy and the Laws of Creation: The Law of Attraction, The Law of Deliberate Intent, The Law of Allowance and The Law of Balance all work. Someday, people will look back on these times the way we look back to 500 years ago, astounded that the people thought the world was flat, and say they can't believe that people didn't know about the Laws of Creation or even how to use them; )
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