11 October, 2009

Deja Vu

I find myself in a similar place in my life as I was 5 years or so ago. Some of the same and different people in my life, the same decisions to make about my life. But this time, I am a different person; wiser, older, happier, more balanced. 

It was in 2004 that I started working at Art Mart, an great place to buy local art that is reasonably priced. It was also that year, just before Christmas, that I met who I thought was "my soulmate"~you know that person that you gel with, who finishes your thoughts, someone you feel a real connection with. Well, he turned out to be a predator and Art Mart had a different owner who was not the easiest person to work for. I'm not sure what happened to Charles but Art Mart is a completely different place except for RE Ann whom I worked with the 1st time! What a coincidink huh? 

When she told me that they would be hiring, I didn't take it seriously and then I thought that something would be better than nothing and I was feeling done being broke! It's the first job I have applied for since quitting the chiropractic gig back at the end of May. I got to enjoy the summer and do what I want and now that cold weather is here, I'm ready to work again; supporting local artists for someone who is never there at the office with people I like! 

Art Mart was a great place to meet interesting people and help them fulfill their desire to find a suitable gift for whomever. I got to know the store pretty well and knew where pretty much everything was. Anyway, last night was my first night back and it was so surreal! RE trained me and it was almost like I had never left. It had the feeling that I was right where I was supposed to be and that was the surreal part. 

So the crossroads I find myself at are that I am still looking for that Soulmate to share my life with who is my perfect compliment and I his. Someone who inspires me to be my best and to strive for my highest potential. Someone who displays enormous integrity and loves himself. I think I already met this man but to give proper credit and honor to the experience of meeting him, that is a blog all by itself. His name is Lawrence. 

The other major life decision I see before me is what is my purpose? and how do I live it? am I already living it and just don't know it? I think the answer to that is yes. I feel that the "work" I do on myself and the help I give others is part of it but not the whole thing. I feel as though when our Star brothers and sisters are able to finally show themselves to the whole world that that is then I will know the rest of my purpose. 

One piece of info I would like to share is my experience with 'The Journey' process. It probably needs it's own blog as well but I would like to briefly share that I feel different~lighter if you will and more at ease after experiencing it. 

One of the processes I did involved revisiting my feelings regarding Charles which I had already done a lot of work around. Before the process, I could imagine Charles in front of me and I always felt resistance(fear) and he would look angry. 

After the process, I imagined him and he was smiling and the resistance was gone. It was a subtle feeling but it was better.  I realized in the middle of the process that the work I had done around it had helped immensely but had not completely removes the button called 'Charles'.   It had left me in a place of complacency that my guide, Susan, saw immediately and helped me identify so that I could complete healing it.  

I am going to the intensive weekend training on 10/31 and 11/1. I can't wait to go and continue to heal myself. This is empowering work that you do yourself. You notice results very quickly. Real tools, genuine healing, lasting change.  That is their "motto" and it's also my experience.  I half expect Charles to come walking through the door of Art Mart while I'm there to have the opportunity to clear the air and tell him my truth.  If that does happen, I will most definitely write about it. Right now, I have to get ready to go to work~woohoo!

06 October, 2009


I have to admit, although I had an (excuse) for not writing for over a month, it has been difficult for me to come here and write even though I have things to share! Writing is just not my best forte. I have made some progress with myself and I manifested a FREE place to live only because that is what I truly wanted and I was honest with myself. It's not completely free, I just don't have to exchange money for this gift. I give a lot of myself to the animals that live here,(it's so nice to live with animals again!)and I help out around the house for my friend that I live with. If you don't ask, how does the universe know what you want? It doesn't! You have to have the courage to be honest about what you really want and then ask for it.

So many amazing events happened for me over my birthday and even before that. Why haven't I shared? Well, I used a LOT of excuses not to come here. There really is no good reason. Part of it is laziness. Yes, I can admit I have my foibles! LOL I love that I don't have to do anything I don't want to do and be a little lazy. Up until now, I haven't been very good at managing my time because I have so much of it not having a job and all. I know there has to be some kind of fear here also but I haven't discovered what it is. Writer's block? Maybe. I find other 'more important' things to do. Sometimes I come here and don't know what to write about or I know what I want to write and as soon as I sit down, it leaves me! Talk about frustration!

I guess my point is and it's the thought for the day, the best relationship you will ever have is the one with yourself. It is the foundation for all other relationships. An important part of that is to accept and love all parts of yourself even if you don't like something. If you find something you don't like, only you can change it. That is what I have been doing for the past 25 years or so...it wasn't until the last few that I could come to accept all of my foibles and laugh at them. I love myself. I love who I have created myself to be and I love that I am Source!