16 January, 2018

Walking Through Fear

I had such a great day today!  I challenged myself to "walk through some fear".  I'm a WUSS when it comes to the cold.  I was better with it as a kid but after living in Hawaii for 5+ years and coming back to cold winters, it's been a little rough.

What do I mean by "walking through fear"?  Well, a lot of us, myself included, stop ourselves from doing certain things, like going out when it's cold or taking the bus or any number of simple things that could possibly lead to chance encounters and/or feelings of accomplishment and confidence.

So what did that look like for me today?  Well, I have been walking dogs for money and I had a very early walk with a sweet doggy named Finn.  I had to be there @ 8AM and I was determined to save some money by not taking the bus or if I did, to get a day pass and do some errands.

When I got up @ 7AM, it was only 4 degrees outside!  Yikes!  lol  It had also snowed a bit and a was little icy in spots.  I had recently re-aquired my ski pants and snowboarding jacket that I had given to my son who has never worn either.  I got my coffee ready, bundled up and braved the outside air.  It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be (is it ever? lol)

I decided, to get there on time, I was going to have to take the bus which I did.  I got there right on time, walked the dog and then walked the mile and a half home.  It was ok... as long as I kept moving, I kept warm.

About a half hour after I got home, I got a call from our local radio station where I had signed up to volunteer and they wanted me for the front desk!  I jumped at the chance and ROAD MY BIKE the mile or so to get there.  I stayed about 3.5 hours and then road back through the neighborhoods to mine, parked my bike and then walked another mile to go eat and then back a mile and a half to walk another dog for an hour.  I walked over 5 miles today and it only got up to 35 or so.

I noticed, I was seeing MY numbers today (my favorite numbers) which tell me I'm on the right track.  I realized I hadn't seen them for about a week.  Seeing my numbers is significant to me.  It's a way that spirit "talks" to me and lets me know I'm on the right path.  I also see a lot of triple digits which is a "game" that the "Angels" taught Drunvalo which I will share with you.

It felt really good to walk through this particular fear.  For one thing, because it snowed yesterday and I really didn't have anywhere to go and no dogs to walk, I stayed in all day.  It definitely got to me and I felt a little stressed after being cooped up all day.  Also, becoming aware of these "little fears" and doing some of the inner work I've done had made it easier to "walk through" them and prove my limiting thoughts wrong!

Proving yourself wrong is a GOOD thing.  It shows your ego that it doesn't know everything and it's more likely to trust the Core Self to make the decisions.  Core decisions come from Love (Love of the self) and ego decisions come from fear.  Those small decisions don't necessarily have the feeling of fear associated with them except they just don't feel good.  Those are the decisions that lead to "the lesson".  They are the ones we label "mistakes".  Really, there is no wrong or bad decisions and no such thing as a mistake as long as you learn from that decision and you don't have to repeat it to "get it".  lol

I can tell you, most of my life I have allowed my lower self to stop me from "stepping through" these fears.  I have allowed myself to believe the BULLSHIT I tell myself and it has led to much isolation and loneliness.  It's only been in the last few years that I have faced these "little fears" one by one as they come up to prove myself wrong over and over again.  It's a great way to humble your self.

It's a really BIG DEAL for me to do this today.  You have no idea how much I HATE feeling cold!  lol  Since I have no car and little money for the bus, I either walk or bike which luckily, both I love to do and my area has been blessed with unusually warm weather so far.  It's going to be in the 60's Thursday and Friday!

YAY FOR ME!!!!💪💖👏😀

Numbers Game

111---  Being in the flow of energy (money, sex, on schedule?)

222---  Beginning of Ascension (a new cycle  of experience)

333---  A decision to make and it either leads to 666 or 999

444--- The middle of Ascension (the "mystery school":  look around for helpful information)

555---  Christ Consciousness (5 is the balance between 1 and 9; love energy; freedom)

666---  Completion on a physical level; the number of the carbon atom (beast); learning the lesson

777---  Personal Spiritual growth through experience; perfection (as it is)

888---  The end of Ascension (the end of the cycle of experience)

999---  Completion on a spiritual level (without the lesson ;-))

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