05 February, 2018

Ascension Through Duality

I guess I should explain what I meant by titling my blog as such...

We are and have been in a cycle of ascension for many years now.  We are moving out of this current density of the third dimension (3D) to the next, lighter more refined density.  In order to do that, we must overcome our sense of duality and learn to perceive things as they are.  Let's just say, that is the task/choice when coming here.  I chose to do it this way.  I don't believe it is completely necessary for everyone to have to do this.  Everyone is going to ascend, one way or another.  Some will do it without their bodies and some with.  I chose to take my body with me.  There are people that will argue this with me; however, based on the sources I have been following for years, I know this is possible.

So for me, it is going through duality and seeing it for what it is; a tool of perception.  I have overcome it.  I have become the observer of myself and all around me.  I got control of "The Judge" in me (one of the archetypes of the ego) and now its job, instead of overreaching in calling everything good or bad, right or wrong, I use it only for myself; to DISCERN whether something is going to work for ME or not.  That is the proper use of this archetype.  The observer sees from a neutral perspective; not attaching "right" or "wrong" to anything.  Discernment is  exaggerated when it becomes "judgment".

I remember the exact moment that this happened for me.  It was Thanksgiving Day in 2012 and I was living with my BF and her partner.   They lived in a house owned by the Unitarian Universalists; a non-denominational religious group and they took care of the house and lived in it.  They had church services there every Sunday.  My BF was hosting Thanksgiving Day at the house that year.  I had to go outside for a walk because I don't do well in groups generally speaking anyway and I was tired of the meaningless conversations and awkwardness of being there.  
I was walking down the road, smoking some pot and it suddenly "hit" me that I could just keep walking, never go back and everything would be fine!  What an eye opener that was!  Much later on, I figured out that my attachment to ANYTHING or ONE had dissolved!  I discovered this over a few days because I just had no "cares" about stuff!  I discovered I could still MAKE attachments, but I could also dissolve them rather quickly.
Not only are we going through duality from one "level" to another but we are also going through the experience of duality to transcend it. 😊👏💓
UPDATE:  As I re-read this, I see that it's not really clear what I'm talking about with regard to the walk I took and feeling like I could just keep going and it would all be OK. The attachment to seeing things as "right" or "wrong", "good" or "bad" had dissolved and that's what I became aware of.  That's what was UNDERNEATH this knowing that I would be OK (everything would work out for me if I never went back) because there was no longer a duality... everything as it is, IS JUST FINE and perfect the way it is.  It was the feeling of certainty and the knowing that solidified my trust that the Universe would support me because I was no longer "labeling" things from a state of duality.  In that sense, I would no longer see my experience as "good" or "bad".  It makes it easier to glide through the experience and glean from it what I needed to without resistance.  It's in our resistance to what we judge as "bad" that keeps us in a lower vibrational state of being.  We're unable to see that everything that we experience is there for a reason... sometimes we need to let go of what is not serving us even when we can't recognize that and the Universe will sometimes "take away" something (and we resist) only to leave us open to receiving something "better" or of a higher vibration and our resistance keeps us from receiving.  

I hope that helps! 

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