07 February, 2018

To Be or Not to Be... lol

I have to write about this... I've had dreams 2 mornings in a row about him.  Who is "him" you ask?  I wish I could tell you.  I can't because that would certainly start an uproar and I might be wrong...

Back when I was around 20-21, I was watching MTV and I saw this guy in a video and the moment I saw him, I had a tingle at the base of my skull that sent a shiver of recognition down my spine!  I KNEW that I knew him and my body was confirming it!  From that moment on I had to know who he was.  I'd never seen him before and had no idea who he was.  For years I was somewhat obsessed with him.  He became VERY famous and I don't think there is anyone who doesn't know who he is.  If they don't, they've been living under a rock! lol  😝

I've told several of the closest people in my life about him.  My mom actually supported my in it, even giving me a copy of the "Parade" magazine out of the Sunday paper that had his picture on the front and an article about him.  I had to laugh at that point over the irony about that moment because I had (finally) decided to just let him go because it was tearing me apart, knowing who he was and not having ANY access to him.  I was also fantasizing about him daily and what it would be like to be with him.  I didn't really fantasize about sex with him and I know that seems strange but I didn't.  My fantasies were mainly about getting to know him from all the stuff I'd read about in interviews etc.  I wanted my OWN experience, not just something someone wrote up about him from theirs.

Throughout the years, after that initial feeling, I would have dreams of him that wouldn't make sense and I gradually got used to not having any way of contacting him.  I did try to contact him a few times.  Once I wrote him a letter, sprayed it with my favorite perfume and sent it off, never to hear from him.  I didn't really expect to and I wrote it out of sadness for him.  Honestly, now when I reflect  back on it, it was out of fear.  I wrote another letter to his lawyer on his behalf, again out of fear because he was being accused of being the father of some misguided woman trying to get money from him.

In 2008, I got a soul reading from someone who came very recommended and at the end, I asked her about him.  To my surprise, she told me that yes, his energy was in my field and that eventually, I would meet him.  He wasn't the "soulmate" in the sense that I was thinking (twin flame) but we are connected.  I still have that CD.

Just last year, I got readings from 2 different people whom I'd asked about my star lineage.  One woman accessed akashic records for my reading and the other I solicited at the advice of her brother and she has some connection with the Andromedans.   I was intuitively guided to go to this mini-conference in Evergreen and this is where I met Tolec, an Andromedan Counsel member.  You can find his website here.  It's his sister that does the Star Registry info.  I am willing to believe what I was told about my lineage because both women corroborated each other.  I was also given information about myself that matches experiences I've had here on Earth like having this great connection with animals.  On Andromeda, I'm an "Elemental".  I am also a counsel member which makes sense to me, I have always had people (total strangers sometimes) tell me their "stuff".  I was also told by Adona (Tolec's sister) that I have a spouse and that he is a warrior.  I believe that the person that I "recognized" is my spouse from Andromeda!

Why do I think this?  Because of who he is, the movies he has made, my dreams about him and his voice.  I love hearing him speak.  There is something about his voice that draws me in... The dream I had this morning about him was more intimate than the rest but it got diverted because of some "demons" that had to be taken care of and that was his job.  lol

I got over my obsession with him and Hollywood a LONG time ago and I'm glad I got over it before I found out about all the sexual misconduct, pedophilia and satanic worship bullshit that many of them have bought into.  I feel sorry for those people who thought they had to sell their soul to get what they thought they wanted.  So sad.

I do have a (small) fear that he may have gotten wrapped up in all that but I seriously doubt it, from what I can tell, he achieved "stardom" on his own, without their "help".  He's hardly ever in the spotlight except for when major happenings were going on in his life and I recently read something about him punching out a guy after seeing a dead baby in the guy's fridge!  yikes.  I have no idea if that is actually true but if it is, GOOD FOR HIM!

It's been only recently that he has entered my thoughts again and I have casual fantasies about him.  Nothing that derails me from living life at all.  I'm single, he's single and just a couple of years older than me, we love some of the same things and I fantasize about meeting him in the flesh for the first time.  I dream of riding with him on his motorcycle!

Regardless, I know we have a connection, I just don't know what it is.  It's exciting to think about and I don't get depressed at all because we haven't met or that he may not be my mate from Andromeda.  I just have fun thinking about him.  I know I will meet him eventually and I can wait.

The only clue I'll give is in the title... 😉

UPDATE! May 16, 2020

I should have updated this quite a while ago...

Last August, I met the Arcturian Council through a very good conduit; Daniel Scranton.  I asked them about the feeling I had when I first saw this man and they told me that we knew each other through a past life in Atlantis as student/teacher.  I had recognized him but was mis-taken about who he is to me.  

I had another session with Daniel just a few days ago and asked about the context of our relationship and was told that we would be working together as colleagues and friends and eventually, we would become aware of our connection.  


I look forward to meeting him! 

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