I have hesitated to tell people about a particular experience that I had back in April of 2013 because of the feedback that I thought I might get but I think it's time to reveal it because it may help other people who have had similar experiences, to understand how significant the time we are in RIGHT NOW really is and to explain why I think I'm one of the 144,000.
I'm not going to go into any great depth about the 144,000 because I already have a blog entry about it. Basically, they are the people who, by choosing to live as the best version of themselves every moment, are the ones who will lead the shift in energy from living in the 3rd density to living in the 5th density. They are the "chosen ones" by their own choosing. It's not an ego trip; it's an honor and we've done it before.
I was on Maui and hanging out with a dear sister named Rebecca when I got given some really good liquid LSD. As I tell you what happened, please don't discount it because it was triggered by an LSD trip!
I asked Rebecca if she wanted to share it with me and go on a "trip" together and she agreed. We decided we'd go to this little cave that is on the beach in Kihei on the southern coast of Maui. We got there early and a guy with a dog and a guitar was already there. Rather than try to tell him what we were doing, we hung out and waited for him to leave. In looking back, I realize how important this meeting was for me because it put me in the energy of my heart. My original intention was just to have some fun with Rebecca and because this guy was attracted to me and we hit it off so well, I was in a state of bliss when he left.
We took the LSD well after dark and a little later than I had wanted and while we were waiting for it to "kick in" we hung out in the cave with our sleeping bags and chatted about random stuff. I was lying on my stomach on my sleeping bag when all of a sudden, I felt all this energy come in through my crown chakra and it was so intense that it made me laugh and my feet were pounding on the sand back and forth from it. I intuitively knew that this was Gaia and she was sharing her energy with me! I felt orgasms of energy as I witnessed her "birth" as a planet. Over the next few minutes, I had visions go through my head of her existence in linear time. The only thing I remember from this were the dinosaurs and I think that's because I was only allowed to see what my mind could comprehend at the time. Since then, I have learned a LOT about her history, much of which I think would have scared me and I would not have been able to handle what I was seeing.
When it got to the point where humans showed up, I started to feel the pain she was in from all the ways we have polluted and hurt her out of our ignorance. She wasn't "blaming" but just showing/sharing with me how she felt. I started to say out loud, "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry!" over and over and I felt like I was apologizing on behalf of the whole of the population of Earth. I was sobbing tears of pain, hurt and sadness for how she felt.
When she was done showing me what she wanted me to see, I felt the energy leave and I immediately got over the emotions I had been feeling. A few minutes later, I felt it again; all this energy coming in through my crown and this time it was "Jesus". I was laughing uncontrollably because the energy felt so good and it was so intense. I don't remember what I was seeing but I got the distinct impression that I was being reminded of part of my purpose and a particular contract that I had accepted. I remember seeing a crucifixion but it wasn't Jesus, it was me (Jesus wasn't the only one crucified on a "cross".) I don't remember what I was saying but that was when Rebecca, who had just been watching all this happen to me pulled me out of the cave while she was saying, "OK, Riox, time to come out, time to come out of it!" I remember being aware of what was going on but even though Rebecca interrupted what was going on, it continued. I dropped to my hands and knees and I remember saying, "Please, please don't make me do this again!" while I was crying and feeling fear. I remember "hearing", "Don't worry, you won't be crucified." I was being given an "out" of my contract because we are never "made" to do anything. Our contracts change all the time because of circumstances and choice changes. I pounded my fist on the sand and said, "Dammit!" in acceptance of this contract. I stood up slowly and said, "I am the One." and I immediately felt intense energy coming in through my heart chakra. I felt incredibly empowered by it and at the same time worried about what this meant and what the path would look like for me.
The Sun was coming up as I stood up and I was facing the Sun when I said I was the One. I wasn't saying I was "The One" as it sounds as being the ONLY One, I was saying I was "The One" as in the Whole. The Whole of Humanity is God and I was proclaiming being that ONE. And not that I am God all by myself. We are ALL GOD (gods individually) I hope that makes sense.
When that was over and I received my Heart energy, a few minutes later, it happened again. I don't really remember how I received this energy but I do remember feeling very ancient, hunched over and very MALE. I knew that Merlin had come to contact me. By this time, it was obvious that Rebecca was there to be my witness because she definitely was NOT on her own trip! This time she joined me in mine. I don't remember the beginning of what I said but it was something about what he was there to do through me with her. I remember calling her "My Dear" and while I was still speaking English, I was using language that I was not used to using like, art and thou. I do remember telling her, "You know what we have to do." and she said, "yes". She was already lying on the sand and I remember doing some kind of hand movements while I was talking to her but not using any kind of "magic words" that I remember. At the end of this, I remember telling Rebecca that we had either started or ended a cycle and it was for all of humanity.
After it was all over, we sat for a few minutes to absorb all that had happened. I remember standing in front of Rebecca and I suddenly realized that Rebecca and I had been friends for THOUSANDS of years! I dropped to my knees in reverence and gratitude for her and for being there to support me while I went through this. We are still in touch even though our lives have taken different directions. She is going through the experience of Marriage and Motherhood as I continue on my path of enlightenment to fulfill whatever it is I came to do.
For a few days after, I felt like a zombie as I came down from the trip and my body had to readjust itself. I stopped wearing shoes for a while and stopped eating with metal utensils and took all the metal out of my body (piercings). I still use bamboo flatware to eat with to this day.
Here is a picture of Rebecca and I that I took right after all this happened. You can see part of the cave in the background.
I know how all this sounds and that's why I am hesitant to share it. I can admit there is a small part of me on an "ego trip" about this and at the same time I'm scared shitless about what I may encounter on my path that may be dangerous or present itself as an obstacle. For the most part, I am completely humbled and honored that I have this responsibility. I keep in mind that we never give ourselves anything we can't handle and that helps to dispel any fear that may come up. It's also been 5 years since this happened and I believe that by the time I am to fulfill this contract, I will have sufficiently prepared myself for the part, whatever that is. I have a vague idea and that comes from a prophetic dream I had almost 20 years ago.
I was climbing a mountain and dealing with obstacles as they came up and when I got to the top of the mountain, I saw a pool of crystal clear, calm water surrounded in natural rock in a round formation. I dove in, went to the bottom and when I came out, I looked around and I saw a hand full of women (only women)at the top of the mountain with me but far enough away that I knew they were all on the top of their "own" mountain. I looked up to my left and in the sky I saw a gigantic US flag rippling toward me. I reached up to take it and felt this kind of "impish"energy; not in a negative way but like, "Oh boy! They have no idea what is coming!" as I covered my mouth with the flag and my eyes went side to side. I interpret that as I am going to take on the USA somehow. I have a few ideas of what that may look like but I will keep those to myself since I'm just speculating.
Pretty crazy huh?! I know, but it really happened. I get more excited about why I'm here as I get more information about my True Self. I've had a soul reading, akashic records reading and other prophetic dreams that give me bits and pieces of information as well as the research I do on my own. Right now I'm in a phase where life is just really good. I'm creating a life I love and fulfilling dreams I've had for a long time. My first passion is animals and I make my money dog walking and pet/house sitting. It works out great for me because I love travel too so it's no big deal for me to pack up and live in another house for a week or two. It gives me time to do the volunteer work I love to do and I'm about to work on getting the body I've always wanted as a volunteer trainer of the Zaaz machine. Life is exciting, however I'm also aware through one particular relationship that I still have some work to do with my ego. I am so grateful to be aware of it though. At the very least I have managed to become the conscious director of my life and my thoughts even though there is at least one part of my ego that chooses to remain hidden for whatever reason.
Well, that's the end of the story. I hope, if you're reading this and you've had your own similar experience that you have the courage to share it without worry as to how others will take it... 👌💖😇
I'm not going to go into any great depth about the 144,000 because I already have a blog entry about it. Basically, they are the people who, by choosing to live as the best version of themselves every moment, are the ones who will lead the shift in energy from living in the 3rd density to living in the 5th density. They are the "chosen ones" by their own choosing. It's not an ego trip; it's an honor and we've done it before.
I was on Maui and hanging out with a dear sister named Rebecca when I got given some really good liquid LSD. As I tell you what happened, please don't discount it because it was triggered by an LSD trip!
I asked Rebecca if she wanted to share it with me and go on a "trip" together and she agreed. We decided we'd go to this little cave that is on the beach in Kihei on the southern coast of Maui. We got there early and a guy with a dog and a guitar was already there. Rather than try to tell him what we were doing, we hung out and waited for him to leave. In looking back, I realize how important this meeting was for me because it put me in the energy of my heart. My original intention was just to have some fun with Rebecca and because this guy was attracted to me and we hit it off so well, I was in a state of bliss when he left.
We took the LSD well after dark and a little later than I had wanted and while we were waiting for it to "kick in" we hung out in the cave with our sleeping bags and chatted about random stuff. I was lying on my stomach on my sleeping bag when all of a sudden, I felt all this energy come in through my crown chakra and it was so intense that it made me laugh and my feet were pounding on the sand back and forth from it. I intuitively knew that this was Gaia and she was sharing her energy with me! I felt orgasms of energy as I witnessed her "birth" as a planet. Over the next few minutes, I had visions go through my head of her existence in linear time. The only thing I remember from this were the dinosaurs and I think that's because I was only allowed to see what my mind could comprehend at the time. Since then, I have learned a LOT about her history, much of which I think would have scared me and I would not have been able to handle what I was seeing.
When it got to the point where humans showed up, I started to feel the pain she was in from all the ways we have polluted and hurt her out of our ignorance. She wasn't "blaming" but just showing/sharing with me how she felt. I started to say out loud, "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry!" over and over and I felt like I was apologizing on behalf of the whole of the population of Earth. I was sobbing tears of pain, hurt and sadness for how she felt.
When she was done showing me what she wanted me to see, I felt the energy leave and I immediately got over the emotions I had been feeling. A few minutes later, I felt it again; all this energy coming in through my crown and this time it was "Jesus". I was laughing uncontrollably because the energy felt so good and it was so intense. I don't remember what I was seeing but I got the distinct impression that I was being reminded of part of my purpose and a particular contract that I had accepted. I remember seeing a crucifixion but it wasn't Jesus, it was me (Jesus wasn't the only one crucified on a "cross".) I don't remember what I was saying but that was when Rebecca, who had just been watching all this happen to me pulled me out of the cave while she was saying, "OK, Riox, time to come out, time to come out of it!" I remember being aware of what was going on but even though Rebecca interrupted what was going on, it continued. I dropped to my hands and knees and I remember saying, "Please, please don't make me do this again!" while I was crying and feeling fear. I remember "hearing", "Don't worry, you won't be crucified." I was being given an "out" of my contract because we are never "made" to do anything. Our contracts change all the time because of circumstances and choice changes. I pounded my fist on the sand and said, "Dammit!" in acceptance of this contract. I stood up slowly and said, "I am the One." and I immediately felt intense energy coming in through my heart chakra. I felt incredibly empowered by it and at the same time worried about what this meant and what the path would look like for me.
The Sun was coming up as I stood up and I was facing the Sun when I said I was the One. I wasn't saying I was "The One" as it sounds as being the ONLY One, I was saying I was "The One" as in the Whole. The Whole of Humanity is God and I was proclaiming being that ONE. And not that I am God all by myself. We are ALL GOD (gods individually) I hope that makes sense.
When that was over and I received my Heart energy, a few minutes later, it happened again. I don't really remember how I received this energy but I do remember feeling very ancient, hunched over and very MALE. I knew that Merlin had come to contact me. By this time, it was obvious that Rebecca was there to be my witness because she definitely was NOT on her own trip! This time she joined me in mine. I don't remember the beginning of what I said but it was something about what he was there to do through me with her. I remember calling her "My Dear" and while I was still speaking English, I was using language that I was not used to using like, art and thou. I do remember telling her, "You know what we have to do." and she said, "yes". She was already lying on the sand and I remember doing some kind of hand movements while I was talking to her but not using any kind of "magic words" that I remember. At the end of this, I remember telling Rebecca that we had either started or ended a cycle and it was for all of humanity.
After it was all over, we sat for a few minutes to absorb all that had happened. I remember standing in front of Rebecca and I suddenly realized that Rebecca and I had been friends for THOUSANDS of years! I dropped to my knees in reverence and gratitude for her and for being there to support me while I went through this. We are still in touch even though our lives have taken different directions. She is going through the experience of Marriage and Motherhood as I continue on my path of enlightenment to fulfill whatever it is I came to do.
For a few days after, I felt like a zombie as I came down from the trip and my body had to readjust itself. I stopped wearing shoes for a while and stopped eating with metal utensils and took all the metal out of my body (piercings). I still use bamboo flatware to eat with to this day.
Here is a picture of Rebecca and I that I took right after all this happened. You can see part of the cave in the background.

I was climbing a mountain and dealing with obstacles as they came up and when I got to the top of the mountain, I saw a pool of crystal clear, calm water surrounded in natural rock in a round formation. I dove in, went to the bottom and when I came out, I looked around and I saw a hand full of women (only women)at the top of the mountain with me but far enough away that I knew they were all on the top of their "own" mountain. I looked up to my left and in the sky I saw a gigantic US flag rippling toward me. I reached up to take it and felt this kind of "impish"energy; not in a negative way but like, "Oh boy! They have no idea what is coming!" as I covered my mouth with the flag and my eyes went side to side. I interpret that as I am going to take on the USA somehow. I have a few ideas of what that may look like but I will keep those to myself since I'm just speculating.
Pretty crazy huh?! I know, but it really happened. I get more excited about why I'm here as I get more information about my True Self. I've had a soul reading, akashic records reading and other prophetic dreams that give me bits and pieces of information as well as the research I do on my own. Right now I'm in a phase where life is just really good. I'm creating a life I love and fulfilling dreams I've had for a long time. My first passion is animals and I make my money dog walking and pet/house sitting. It works out great for me because I love travel too so it's no big deal for me to pack up and live in another house for a week or two. It gives me time to do the volunteer work I love to do and I'm about to work on getting the body I've always wanted as a volunteer trainer of the Zaaz machine. Life is exciting, however I'm also aware through one particular relationship that I still have some work to do with my ego. I am so grateful to be aware of it though. At the very least I have managed to become the conscious director of my life and my thoughts even though there is at least one part of my ego that chooses to remain hidden for whatever reason.
Well, that's the end of the story. I hope, if you're reading this and you've had your own similar experience that you have the courage to share it without worry as to how others will take it... 👌💖😇
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