03 June, 2018

Raising Vibration

I see people get the "dear in headlights" look when I tell them about raising their vibration.  They don't ask what that means so that tells me they either don't think to ask or the assume they already know but don't do anything about it.

So what DOES it mean?

Well, there are various ways of doing that.  The first and best is by being the best version of yourself in any given moment.  That means always doing the right, moral best thing that's done out of Love for yourself if it's only about you and then the best win/win decision when someone else is involved.

Physically, it's eating organic, taking care of you body the best you can, making small changes in a positive direction for self improvement every day, doing something selfless for someone else, picking up trash, treating yourself well and that means mentally and not just physically.  Basically, I think we all know what we need to do for ourselves but a lot of us stop short because we don't know how to start or we procrastinate or we make up excuses as to why we can't.

You just have to do it!  Whatever it is!  Nike got that right... "Just do it."  is one of the best company slogans ever.

Walking through fear is one of the best ways to prove ourselves wrong.  Whatever excuses we make to ourselves; acknowledge, thank and then tell yourself, "I can do it!" or "I don't have to believe whatever I'm making up right now." or whatever else you need to tell yourself to just do what you know you need to do that is going to make you a better version of yourself.

It also means dealing with your stuff.  Dealing with the negative things you may be saying about yourself and if you find yourself saying you don't do that, listen to what you say about others.  What you say about others is as much about you as it is them.  If it's negative and you are unaware that this is how you're thinking about yourself, then this is what is stuck in your unconscious that you project to others.  It's nothing to beat yourself up about.  Everyone does it to some degree.  It becomes unconscious because there are parts of ourselves that have a job to protect us and all that negative stuff gets pushed away; behind a curtain or wall or in a box so it won't hurt us.  We stop hearing it on a conscious level and that's when we start projecting.  That's why the only person we really need to listen to is OURSELVES.

It's important to find the neutral observer in us so we can get past the judgment and we can look at ourselves objectively.  This is one of the first steps to dealing with our stuff.

Why is it important to raise vibration?

We (our planet) are in what is called the photon belt.  It is the trail of light particles left behind Alcyone; the Pleiadian star that our own star (sun) revolves around in a spiral.   The frequencies and vibrations are only going UP so the more you can keep up on your own, the better off you'll be and the less you will suffer.  The lower vibration you have, the more chaos you will experience in your life as the planets, especially Uranus, force us into changes to help us increase our vibration and put us in situations that will challenge us to "rise above".   Just remember, we never give ourselves anything we can't handle and what doesn't kill you makes you STRONGER! 💪👍💖😁

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