05 January, 2022

My FREE test of a Med(itation) Virtual Bed

I found this video in my suggested feed on YouTube and when I looked at the title, I was immediately skeptical.  The video is a testimonial for a "medbed".  I do not doubt that they exist, however, all the news I have seen/read says they are a ways off still.  Well, to my surprise, this "medbed" is not a medical bed.  It's a virtual overlay of Quantum Consciousness that is connected through a picture of your mattress through quantum entanglement; of which I know enough about to accept its veracity!  Keep in mind that this video was made in 2014.

I went to the website listed: medbed.com and poured through the information eagerly.  To me, this is a "no-brainer"!😁 

Long story short, I did three of the free tests.  I uploaded a photo of my left hand with the link provided, a water bottle photo and the photo of my mattress.

As soon as the photo was uploaded and it was confirmed, I felt a slight tingling in my left and and my palm turned slightly red whereas my right hand felt nothing and the color stayed the same.  

They sell "charged" water bottles on their website.  I checked out everything first looking for signs of deception... Oliver knows what he's talking about and his videos resonate also.  He has taken the time to make sure everyone who does this is educated first (at least a little bit) to have an understanding of how this is possible.  He even shares how he the knowledge came to him. 

Science has proven that they can indeed influence one particle that is entangled with another thousands of miles away and what happens to one, happens to the other.  This explains a LOT of things that people experience "knowing" what is going on with someone else in their family etc.

I started out with spring water in my bottle first so I couldn't really tell too much if it was different.  The water did have a smooth quality to it and it had a natural "sweetness" to it.

I emptied the water to another container and then filled it with tap water and put the top on.  It didn't happen right away but over a couple of days, the water no longer smelled like chlorine and it had the same smooth feel over my tongue and "sweetness" that the other water had.  It did take several hours overall.

Then I did the medbed.  I started at 4:30 in the afternoon on January 2nd; the New Moon and pretty much stayed there most of the 8 hours that is received in the free trial.  I have to say, I wasn't sure that anything happened.  I did not feel any energy like I did in my hand.  It was a little difficult for me to remain present.  Eight hours is a long time to just be in bed.  I have done it before back in 2010 when I did Jasmuheen's Breatharian fast that lasted over 30 days.  I could not stay still then either and just be present with myself.  

This time, I did a lot better and I repeated my mantras a few times... I AM Love, I AM Light, I AM Peace, I AM Truth, I AM Patience, I AM Compassion, I AM The One, I AM The Master, I AM.  I also asked for a lot of different things.  Mostly I want to be of a frequency where I AM my Higher Self.  I realize that my ego was a little too involved and there may even be a part of me that uses distraction to "keep me safe" from anything that seems like might change things too much and lead to success.  lol

I still wasn't sure anything had happened the next day either until I went to see my Mom, who triggers me, and found I had a little bit more patience and wasn't nearly as triggered as before.  That has stuck with me.

I am finding that I'm not as triggered with as much as before.  Little things of late have been setting me off but that's another story.

I do think there were moments, now that I think of it, windows of when I wasn't speaking and I had my hands over my heart and just felt gratitude over having this opportunity of a lifetime!  I'm betting THAT'S when the energy was able to get past my own resistance.  I believe we only get what we can handle in the moment and it's different for everyone. 

There is NO doubt in my mind at all that this is possible.  The only doubt I have is because I did not feel any tingling anywhere like I did in my hand and the bed can be activated by thought as well and I wasn't sure if I activated it that way when I didn't want to and thought I may have missed the opportunity.  That could be me just getting in my own way... 

There is a short "course" that you must complete before you upload your photo and there is a bar at the top that shows your progress.  If you wait until you know you are ready and finish it just before you know you are ready to activate it, then you will know without a doubt that even if you don't feel anything, it's working!  

It's only been a few day so I will write more later if I experience anything new.


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