14 October, 2022

My experience with Coronavirus (COVID)

Well, here I am; still a little pissed that I even got that shit!  lol 

However, I'm seeing the silver lining, if you will, because it's helping me to eliminate coffee and other things from my diet that just don't taste right anymore.  

I think the reason why I'm still a little upset about getting sick with it is because I don't get sick very often.  I'm generally pretty healthy.  The last time I was sick was March 17, 2018.  I remember because that was the day that I moved into the house that I still live in with my house mates.  I had been stressed about moving because I had been given a date to move by from my last house mate who was not a good match for me.

The other reason is that it's COVID!  I NEVER wanted to get sick with it just because of all the hype it's gotten and my knowledge that it was engineered in a fucking LAB by other Humans!  I guess I have to just get over that! 😂😝

This time, I got sick because one, my house mate brought it home after traveling overseas for a month and two, I was stressed about the situation my Mom is in and having heard that she felt ready to leave her body and also I have friends in Ft. Myers where the hurricane landed.  One lost almost everything and the other only lost part of his roof! 

While I was in bed for two plus days (I started feeling symptoms with a headache and fatigue on 9/28 and didn't get out of bed until 10/1) I didn't leave my bed except to use the toilet.  I was also getting hot flashes on and off the whole time.  It's not the worst I've ever felt, however, it has been the only time I've ever experienced a head ache for 3 days and fatigue for about a week and I didn't eat for 3 days.  My tongue got this icky coating on it that was more than usual for me.  I have that coating anyway from systemic Candida being in my blood from having leaking gut in the past... I didn't accumulate anything in my lungs but I think that the inflammation of my brain (headache) caused some production of mucus to soothe the irritation my brain went through and it drains into my sinuses and collects in my throat.  I get this horsey sounding cough and I spit out whatever comes out.  I can tell from looking at it it's collected some "junk" and I'm grateful to be rid of it!

I did something of a fast which I think was time enough for my body to clear out some junk and change a few things like my taste buds!  I did lose my sense of smell and taste for about 4 days but even now, two weeks later, things still don't taste right.  I could still taste sweet, salty, bitter and sour but I lost the taste of subtle flavors.  I have that back now and I'm waiting to see if my taste changes some more.  

I also had quit smoking pot for the last time.  I've "tested" myself by smoking a little bit with a friend and even THAT tastes different.  I don't like it anymore.  Grateful it's out of my life.  Don't get me wrong, it has served me well in the past but I just know it was time to let it go... it became too much of an all day, every day thing to escape the parts of my reality I wasn't too happy with.

I have to laugh because I feel like I'm in one of those situations where I'm realizing "be careful what you ask for".  I have been addicted to sugar literally since day one; my BIRTH.  The nurse put a bottle of sugar water in my mouth to shut me up when I wasn't with my Mom and she spent a few days in the military hospital where I was born.  I am KEENLY aware of my addiction and it has been a problem most of my life.

Well, I was asking for a way to kick it... damned if I have cut my sugar in HALF because of Covid.  I also can't stand the way coffee tastes anymore.  I'm not supposed to have any caffeine anyway so it's truly a blessing, however, this particular virus REALLY changed how I taste things!  I've become extremely sensitive to not only sugar but also salt (most things are too salty now) and anything with sulfur in it like garlic (I LOVED garlic and now I can't stand it!) and onion.  Chocolate is on that list too.  I think there must be something similar in the cacao beans that is also in coffee beans because chocolate does not taste "right" either.  Oh Pooh!😒

My house mates took really good care of me, especially Claudia.  They both went to the store to get whatever I asked for, gave me supplements of what I didn't already have and were just genuinely THERE for me.  I'm so grateful to have these people in my life! 

It's crazy to me to think that with all the supplements, daily detoxing and healthy eating I do, that I still got it.  I'm sure it could have been a LOT worse if I wasn't doing all that stuff; especially the zeolite spray for detox.

The other thing that happened while I was lying there in bed was my dreams were very vivid and CRAZY.

Hope this is helpful for anyone going through it!  

Love You!💚💜😇

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