The Four Laws of Creation:
I. The Law of Attraction: Like attracts like. Whatever is in your mind AND your heart, you will attract a like energy or frequency. Sometimes that appears to be an opposition. IE: If you think you are a victim, you will attract one who will victimize you.
II. The Law of Intention: This is the "vehicle" for individual manifestation. Intentionally applying the proper emotion to send with your "order" will increase the speed with which your "order" will manifest.
III. The Law of Allowance: This is a crucial step in the manifestation process. The thought(I) with the proper emotion(II) must be ALLOWED(III) to manifest without the usual worry as to how, when, where etc.
Intelligence is not confined to the human brain/mind. It is part of the potentiality that flows through the process of creation. In other words, thought can think and must be allowed to do so in this process.
What this looks like is: You have a, lets hope, positive thought; one that is for the benefit of all, you add the proper emotion(Gratitude) and you release it to the universe to "let thought think". You wait expectantly and patiently while you continue to make "baby steps" towards you desired goal, having faith and knowing that it is on its way. As soon as you worry at to how, why, when etc., you have just changed the "order" and pushed it away. (Worry says: I don't believe in the process and I need to control how this happens) It is not necessary to control this process. Let it Happen. As long as you have the intentionally used the Laws for the benefit of All, you have nothing to worry about. Conversely, if you have intentionally used them to manipulate, coerce, or cause harm to someone else, LOOK OUT!
IV: The Law of Balance: This Law happens automatically when the first three are applied in HARMONY.
As noted above, you are using the Universal Law of Attraction and its process involves like energy attracting more like energy. If you cause a problem for someone else as a purposeful use of this Law, then what you create for someone else, you also will experience. It is two sides of the same coin. One is presented to the other person and one is presented to you. If one is serious in attempting to understand this Law, then look at the events that have already been experienced and one will see that this has been the case many times. When you have wished a blessing for someone else, you also experienced one, not in exactly the same way, but in something of importance and meaning for you. Then, of course, the opposite is also true. When we wish ill on another and add feelings of jealousy or contempt and that is the focus, we inevitably will experience a "like" experience that we wished on our "enemy".
I have felt the growing need to release this information to the world because of the movie "The Secret". The Secret only tells you about the first Law, the Law of Attraction. It is not complete and people shouldn't think that all they need is positive thoughts. Intention has been and will continue to be the key to this process.
This is a process that works whether you believe in it or not. It's like gravity. It's there and you are constantly being affected by it.
So, the question is, now that you know the "whole story", do you continue to allow yourself to ignore this information or do you bring more consciousness into your mind so that you can use the Laws to benefit the whole.
Everything starts with the individual. It is up to each individual to leave behind the consciousness of victim hood and start using these Laws for their own benefit while keeping in mind the benefit of others and then once it is incorporated into daily life, shift it to a global scale and manifest a new existence, one that works for the good and best for all concerned.
The statement, "for the good and best for all concerned" can be used for everything that is desired on an individual level. No one is left out and it a guarantee that the intention is not of a negative nature.
What I have found in my own experience of using these Laws is that more often than not, what I desire is almost always of a higher frequency than I am able to attract at that moment. Leaps in frequency are possible, but at the present time, there are a myriad of frequencies of a lower nature that keep us from reaching higher frequencies by those leaps and bounds. I have therefore found it necessary to eliminate those lower frequencies that keep me from attaining my "higher" goals.
I feel it is imperative for everyone to do the same if they wish for a "better life". Educate yourself. Take a good look at your life and determine for yourself what may be holding you back. Is it the well-meaning friend that does nothing but complain about how bad their life is? The Laws of Attraction work in EVERY instance. Consciously or not.
I am not perfect. I have fallen and continue sometimes to fall into the same traps that everyone else does with regard to eliminating those things which I deem inappropriate in my life to achieve the goals I have. We still have to live. The way our society is structured(intentionally I might add) prevents us from seeing the truths that we need to recognize if we are to change our own dynamic. Then we need to consciously choose what it is we need change and then do it. All of the distractions we have facing us make that difficult to say the least. Things like TV, cell phones, a job, paying bills, entertainment and I could go on and on. All of these things distract us from seeing what is really going on in our world. Not to mention the careful orchestration of the barrage of lies told to us by the media.
It is not for me to say what everyone else should do, but what I'm doing to continually increase my own frequency so that I may attract that which I know in my heart I want is to consciously take note of those people, situations and things in my life that I feel bring my frequency down and give gratitude to those people, situations and things for showing me what I need to change or be aware of without feeling contempt for those people, situations or things. I find that most of the time, the people will move on, out of my life or I restructure my time so that I do not make time for those people to be in my life. Situations resolve themselves, and the things either disappear on their own or I come to a place where I am able to let them go on my own.
Again, I am a work in progress. So is everyone else! Do not worry if you are trying to make changes in your life and it doesn't manifest quite the way you expect it. We continually manifest situations for our awareness and sometimes for a lesson to learn. We won't stop manifesting the lessons until we "get it". So "get it" and move on!
I wish you the best in understanding how these Laws work. It is my intention that EVERYONE understand and apply these Laws for the good and best for ALL concerned.
Namaste, Riox
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