13 June, 2009


Healing and the V.I.B.E. Machine
Current mood: calm
Category: Life

A few years ago, I worked at an office of a psychotherapist who had a VIBE machine. A VIBE machine is a collaboration of technologies from Tesla, Rife and a couple of other scientist. VIBE stands for Vibrational Integrated Bio-photonic Energizer. The VIBE machine is an electrical device that brings the vibrational level of the body back to its original state of being.

To back up a tad...

Everything has a vibration or frequency. That includes every cell of your body, every plant, rock, atom etc. It also pertains to symbols. Everything is included. Dis-ease is nothing more than the accumulation of lower frequencies that have collected in the body. It doesn't matter what label you give it, cancer, MS, a cold. All dis-ease is the same. The various labels is has been given are related to the various ways it shows symptoms. Yes, even what we label disease has its own frequency. Our amazing bodies have the ability to remove and eliminate lower frequencies when natural body processes are allowed to function without interference.

"Modern medicine" will never find a "cure" for the various dis-eases that plague our society because 1. "modern medicine" does not treat the person, it treats the dis-ease. It does not take into account that everything is frequency related and 2. Even if it did find a "cure", it would never become public knowledge because it would mean the end research and all of the funds that it brings in. We all KNOW, even if you would rather not admit this, that there is corruption going on in almost every aspect of our existence, deliberate mis-information given out so people don't know what to believe and deliberate mis-allocation of "research funds" to who-knows-where. You've all heard of the $900 screwdriver? Healing, therefore, must become a matter of responsibility for the individual. Do not rely on your "doctor" to heal you because 1. he doesn't live in your body, and 2. if he were to "heal" you, he would be out of business. Alopathic medicine perpetuates illness!!!!!! NOT healing. It is a STATISTIC that more people die in hospitals than leave healthy. Hospitals are not a place of healing, they are a place to DIE!

That said, it is time to re-educate ourselves. There are many many many different methods for true healing. Everyone must find there own path of healing. It should start with changing the frequencies to which you relate. This is leading to another blog entirely but it is related to symbols which I mentioned above.

Getting back to the VIBE machine. It is not a cure but can help in bringing the body back to a frequency where healing can occur. I have used this machine. It does work. However, since it is not a cure in and of itself, the individual MUST be doing something on his or her own to raise their frequency for permanent shifts to happen. Here is a link to find out more about the VIBE machine. www.vibemachine.com

I know some of you won't believe what you read unless the person who is giving the information has a title after their name but I can assure you, I've done my homework and I have deliberately studied the issues I talk about so that I am more knowledgeable for ME. I do, however, enjoy sharing what I've learned and what I know to be true. I am a teacher! Experience is the best teacher. History is His-story, not every one's story and it should be learned from, not repeated.


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