24 June, 2018

Thought Creates Reality

Dr. Masaru Emoto's research on water is what PROVES that thought creates reality.  It may not be said exactly as that but that's what it means when it's said that our consciousness affects water.  His work was featured in the movie "What the Bleep Do We Know" and I highly recommend watching it.  Consciousness doesn't affect JUST water, it affects EVERYTHING!  The whole "it's a particle and it's a wave" thing is the same thing only that is about observation.  It is related for sure.  Just observing something changes it.  We may not be aware of the thoughts we are having while we observe but it's still happening.

The Law of Attraction (also called The Law of Cause and Effect or Karma) is just one law that is involved in this creation.  The LOA simply says that like energy will attract like energy.  That means whatever energy you are giving the Universe to work with is what you are going to get back.

Intention is also important.  That's where our "free choice" comes into play.  Do we seek to hurt or help, hate or love, do bad or do good?  It's important to realize here that our creation must be "in the best interest of all concerned" for it to come to us.  We are also working with the free will of others.  You may want the "guy next door" but he may not want you.  You're going to get what is in the highest and best for ALL (we are all ONE).  This Law is actually the foundation of the LOA because when you set your intention your free will choice is dictating the energy or vibration you hold.

Then there is The Law of Allowance.  That is about letting go of expectation of how, when and what our creation will look like when it comes to us.  It's about getting the ego out of the way to allow the Universe to perform its "magick" to give us what we have vibrationally asked for.  This is probably the hardest for people to understand.  They must "get out of the way" to get what they asked for.  This is why it's so important to know your own ego so you can see/hear/feel when you are getting in the way.  Our own beliefs fall into play with this Law as well.  Do you believe that you deserve what you are asking for?  Are you even aware of how you may be getting your own way?  And let me tell you this also, if you have any thoughts based in unhealthy competition, it's not going to work the way you want it because you are expecting someone NOT to get what they want so you can get what you want and in that thought alone that you may not even be aware of, you will be the one NOT getting what you want.  Part of that is based in lack thinking.  Thinking there is not enough to go around or for everyone to have what they want and it's just not true.  That is a complete fallacy!

Over the years, I've seen many instances where one or more of these laws are left out of teachings.  I definitely think that the "controllers' have had a hand in hijacking the spiritual movement; using teachers as pawns by either using money as a motivator or blackmailing these teachers to  intentionally hide information or change it in a way that while it gives truth, is only part of the truth and not enough to fulfill the purpose of using the information.  I believe this is what is going on with the movie "The Secret".  It does not cover everything that is needed to PROPERLY manifest and leaves one thinking that all they need to do is think happy thoughts to get what they want.

I know for certain, based on my own experiences that THOUGHT MOST DEFINITELY CREATES REALITY.  I know this because of the synchronicity I see or the lack of it in my own life.  It's also happening faster.  As time speeds up and we rise higher in vibration, the lag time between when we ask and when we get is closing.  Keep in mind, there is also Divine Timing which says we will get some things only when we are ready for them.  I tend to think these are the "big" desires we have, the perfect relationship, a lot of money, the perfect job etc.  Generally, we get these "perfect" things when we have mastered our ego and it's no longer an issue so we can fully enjoy these "perfect" creations.

It's pretty easy to tell where you were vibrationally when you asked for what you asked.  Karma is your indicator of where your energy was at the time of asking.  This allows you to make adjustments in your intention and you energy and also how well you allowed what you wanted to come to you.  Make sure to stay out of judgment as that just hinders progress.

Sometimes it is true that what we ask for never comes to us because it's not in ANYONE'S best interest at all.  You may never get all that money because it may corrupt your ego or just not be the experience you need in this lifetime.

We are also working with the plan we came in with.  I don't plan from the ego.  I give my ego involvement over to my god Self to make decisions that are in alignment with the plan I came here with.  That's what it means to "Let go and let god".  Individually, we are God with a little "g".  That's why it's not capitalized.  Collectively we are "God" and then there is still GOD the Source beyond us collectively.  We have our own guidance system to follow god and it's call INTUITION.

I believe that we ALL created lives for ourselves BEYOND what our little egos can imagine and I also believe that we all wanted the BEST and in the highest version for ourselves.  The BEST we can do is to give into our own creative Source that animates our bodies. (temple)  Sometimes, on the outside, it may not look like "the best life" we could have created for ourselves and that is due to the amnesia we all carry as to what we came to experience.  I don't believe in "accidents" or "mistakes" so whatever life has been created by ANYONE, EVER is EXACTLY what they came to experience regardless of how it looks on the outside.  Whether it's the perspective of a "negative" experience or of the opposite, the end result is what we came to experience.  And I see that PURELY from a spiritual perspective devoid of judgment for all of you who are tempted to make me wrong about this... lol

Often, we need the negative experience in contrast to the positive one to actually HAVE the positive experience.  How often is it said that "you don't know what you've got until it's gone."?  That is the wisdom of someone who has recognized that they needed the contrasting, negative experience to realize they had already had the opposite for how do you know you have something good until you have the bad?  and for the record here, there is no "good" or "bad".  Those are labels we give to wanted experience or not wanted experience.  Everything is neutral until we look at it; that's when it's becomes "good" or "bad".  That is the whole point of duality and having "free will" is to utilize it as we need to to manifest the Best possible outcome.  We may just need the contrast first in order to recognize "The Best".

The last thing that comes into play is Karma carried over from one lifetime to another.  Sometimes we are destined to have the experience we have because of past Karma and the best way to move past that is to realize the "lesson" which is always that we are ONE and what we do to another is what we do to ourselves.

The best advice I can give is to practice what I do myself.  Be truly happy for the successes of "others"and not just fake it; you will have success yourself.  Always strive for the win/win outcome and that will take practice and when others aren't successful, praise them anyway so that they are encouraged to make another effort again to succeed.  Help each other without rescuing; give a hand up, not a hand out.  ALWAYS put people before money.  Eliminating judgment is crucial and just being neutral is preferable to anything else.  Find the neutral observer in yourself and help your self to see both sides and that helps in understand why there really is no "right" or "wrong".  And lastly, be happy with what you get and if it's not "right" try again.  This will automatically (as long as you are not faking) set you up with the right intention so you won't have to think about it.  It will also help you to be truly happy so that you will be in the right vibration as you create.  Always praise yourself and thank yourself as well and NEVER make a decision or try to create when you are feeling negative emotions.  There are exceptions always like when creating any kind of art.  Do your best to follow your own inner guidance and you will NEVER go wrong!

And do your best to keep a balance of work and play.

I hope this was helpful in understanding how what you think materializes.  How you think of yourself and how you think of others sets the stage for what you get.

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