24 June, 2018


Competition has 2 sides.  There is the UNHEALTHY competition that gets practiced most often where one person has to lose in order for the other to win and then there is the HEALTHY competition where both sides win.

I have only practiced the unhealthy version of competition a very few times in my life.  I've done the occasional arm wrestle, thumb wrestle, rock/paper/scissors, board games and when I was a sophomore in High School I was on the Freshman basketball team.  I sucked!  lmao😜😝👎  I consider that a good thing. (wink)

The unhealthy version is unhealthy because it forces one side into "losing" based on the premise that they are "less than" the other side who "won".  That promotes feelings of loss, not being good enough, hatred, resentment and whatever other negative emotion you want to throw in there.  The side that "won" gets to gloat, brag, puff up and feel "better than" the side that "lost".  This is practiced mostly in professional sports and sports in general or in any situation in which you have 2 or more divisions of people.  and that's the worst part about competition is that it's divisive of people. There is the illusion of people coming together to support what is being played out but even then, they are divided in who they are "rooting for".   That's not to mention the involvement of money in professional sports!  And, there will always be someone "better" that comes along and topples the previous "better" person off his pedestal.

I've often said that it's a shame that people can come together for a professional game that is doing nothing GOOD for community except maybe providing temporary entertainment but they won't come together in that scale to make a difference in their own community.  People's priorities and values still have not caught up to what is most important.  They still act like they are victims and they don't even realize how victimized they really are.  Wait until they find out just how bad things have gotten all over the world...

What does healthy, win/win competition look like?  When both sides are playing for fun and to encourage their own personal growth and betterment in whatever it is they are doing; pushing the limits of what "the body" and mind can do.  There is no "I'm better than you are." attitude or feelings of loss when someone doesn't do as well as they expected.  It's wanting the "other" to win as well as the Self.  It's encouraging each other to be a better version of ourselves especially outside of playing games.  It promotes feelings of Unity, togetherness and brotherhood.

I think some of the unhealthy attitude comes from insecurity.  In fact, I'm sure of it.  Only from my own experience of eliminating my own insecurity, do I realize that not knowing our own God Self and not knowing the Ego self is what contributes most to the unhealthy society we have today.

Of course, the way we live and how society functions is a result of our "controllers" sometimes called   the "cabal" or the "illuminati" etc orchestrating every aspect of our lives.  WE MUST WAKE UP from this induced slumber and face the truth.  It is happening, just very slooowly!  😖  Keeping a win/win desire will help in transitioning from 3D energy to 5D energy.  We are getting the opportunity now to do that while we are in 4D energy; in the midst of this transition.

Keep on keeping on and good luck!

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