22 June, 2018

Update on "The Event"

This morning I talked on the phone with a woman who calls herself Glacia Rain.  You can find her website here and her YouTube channel here.  I highly recommend watching her vids for information relating to ascension symptoms/shift in energy.

I asked her what her thoughts are on "The Event"/solar flash.  She said that she had held off saying anything about this "Event" because she didn't want to "burst any bubbles" (those are MY words) and trigger people's fear.  She said that people that have seen the Solar flash saw it from a multi-dimensional perspective that was in the "NOW" moment.  It happened for them a a single moment, a flash of light from the Galactic Center.  For us, in 3D, with our NOW moment stretched out, the Solar flash already happened and the energy from it is hitting us in waves.  We are going through "The Event" RIGHT NOW!  It's a stretched out linear version of what was seen multi-dimensionally.

There is NOT going to be a big flash from our sun or one spectacular moment that uplift us beyond our fears for good.  AT least not in the near future.  It's a gradual process that we are going through COLLECTIVELY; however, we will have individual great leaps that are like taking many "steps".  It's usually preceded by taking a few back.  I say it's so that we can get a running start.  lol

After she told me about the the Solar flash being seen from a multi-dimensional view, it made so much sense to me because of the expanded view I have of what is going on.

I really like how she explains things and I don't mind giving her the credit and encouraging people to see her stuff.  She does "sessions" which she describes on her website as well.  She is clearly further ahead of the curve than I!  lol

On another note... the disinformation that has been created around "The Event" and what it's supposed to look/feel like has been part of a propaganda campaign by "the cabal" or "deep state" to use this process of ascension against us and to hold us back as long as they can by keeping us in fear around it.  If people believe that a solar flash is actually going to take place and it's something they should see and it doesn't happen, not only does that make the spiritual community that is unknowingly spreading this news look like idiots but it destroys faith in the unknown and could cause people to think they're missing out on something when they're not.

There is NO WAY any of us are going to miss out on ANYTHING!  It just can't happen energetically so NO ONE has ANYTHING to fear.  We are all ONE and that means we are in this TOGETHER!

Have faith in what you don't know and learn to enjoy the mystery of NOT KNOWING what is going to happen next.  Ego is the one who "needs to know" and we are integrating the ego back to our core self where IT CAME FROM!  Ego didn't just pop up out of nothing... its individual personalities get created as we grow up.

Anyway, bottom line, we ARE EXPERIENCING THE EVENT NOW!  Let go of what you think you know and start asking your innate, your own source for the answers you seek.  Therein lies the TRUTH.😉💖

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