16 June, 2018

What does it mean to be Conscious?

Consciousness has many "levels" to it from my experience.  First there is consciousness that pertains to the physical body.  The body is awake.  There is just being aware that we have a body, then being aware of the sensations of the body and then being aware of the mind/body connection and our "innate".  The Innate is  the body having it's own intelligence and being able to tap into that to get our own answers about our health.  That should be obvious... because our body IS intelligent, it's the innate that is in charge of all the different processes that happen without us having to think about it.  

Then there is mental, emotional and spiritual consciousness.

To me, mental consciousness is being aware of what is UNCONSCIOUS in us.  This is one level of knowing ourselves.  Getting to know all the different parts of ourselves that get created when we go through trauma that are in charge of "protecting" the traumatized soul:  what they look like, sound like as in the language they use and the strategies they use to get needs met.  It's also about re-educating ourselves to what is going on around us and getting in touch with the Truth.  Our own Truth as well as the Truth of what we have been taught.  We have been lied to about literally EVERYTHING!

Emotional consciousness is related to mental consciousness and often called "emotional intelligence".  It's how our emotions evolve as we get to know all our different parts.  What I have discovered is that emotions change as we become aware and work with our different parts.  Behaviors change on their own and that changes us emotionally.  We become less emotional in a negative sense.  The better we understand ourselves, the calmer we become and we have better "control" over our emotions.  We respond rather than re-act.  We utilize our free choice more consciously.

Then there is Spiritual Consciousness.  To me, that is learning the Truth about who we are on a spiritual level.  We've been lied to about that as well.  It's coming into contact with the Love that we are, shining our light of that Love and continually educating and reminding ourselves that we are (G)god.  There seem to be many layers to this also.  

Becoming "conscious" happens in degrees it seems.  We only accept what we are ready for and we never know we are ready until we're in the moment.  We don't become more conscious unless we are actively seeking it or we have it thrust upon us because we aren't doing it on our own.  

Becoming more conscious must happen slowly so that we are not overwhelmed with all that there is to become aware of!  This is often the source of my own impatience and I must constantly remind myself that everyone is doing the best they can with what they have, including myself.  

It's not easy being ahead of the curve so-to-speak.  For me, it means spending a lot of time by myself because it drives me nuts sometimes to be with people who "don't get it".  It's no fault of their own, they are just slower to "wake up".  It's challenging to say the least, however, I notice more and more that people are waking up exponentially.  It's happening faster and faster and the more people become aware, the more they influence others in their awareness. 

When I notice leaps that people make in their awareness and when I have my own, it re-instills my confidence that it IS happening however slow it may seem to me and I enjoy being witness to the awaking that others have and sharing it with me.

What I hope for soon is that I become "fully conscious".  To me that means recovering all the memories I have from past lives and my life in-between all my incarnations.  To have access to all of my spiritual gifts and wisdom of accumulated lives.   It think this will happen when I have completed the healing of my soul and my ego is fully integrated with the rest of the True Me.   Only then will I be ready for that big leap as otherwise it would be too much of a distraction for my ego and it could be tempting to go off on a "trip" with that knowledge.  💖👌👏 

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