22 October, 2019

Introspection, Doing "The Work" and The Ripple Effect

Introspection (to look within) is a wonderful, insightful and empowering way to look at yourself.  I enjoy knowing myself in this way as I get incredible insights into why I think the way I do, why I act the way I do and to witness the changes I experience from doing so.

All one has to do is to just be curious about what is going on inside the mind.  There is no need to fear ourselves or ANYHTING "out there".  Curiosity is what dispels fear.  It is the crux of "Know Thyself".  By knowing ourselves we can see what the ego is up to and we can catch ourselves falling into the "fear trap".  Fear is what stops us from moving forward on ANY issue.  Following through with curiosity helps us to understand ourselves better to we can step through the fear and move forward even if it's just baby steps.

The other side of the coin of "Know Thyself" is knowing our god self; the loving, compassionate side of ourselves which is Who We Really Are.

The "work" I talk about is really sharing that compassion, forgiveness and understanding with the ego self.  Acknowledging our fears, understanding where they come from and forgiving them to allow that movement forward.

Every time we participate in this process and we move forward out of our fear, we raise our vibration and it affects the collective.  (the ripple effect) We are all connected.  It looks something like how science depicts the connections between our neurons in our brains.  (as within, so without).  We don't see this energetic connection but it IS there.  It's mentioned when we talk about the "six degrees of separation" or you may feel it when you meet someone you really resonate with.

We don't always (almost never) get to see how the positive changes we create in ourselves ripples out and plain affects other people or inspires them to start their own process of change.  Sometimes it's obvious in the moment when you may offer an act of kindness to another or you get some feedback from someone you helped.  Most of the time we have no idea how our own accomplishments on a personal level may be affecting anyone...

We just have to trust that it's happening even though we may not have an awareness of it.  It is the BEST way for us to be in service to others.  We get the first benefit of doing our own "work" because we are the only ones that can do it for ourselves and others benefit as well through that ripple effect.

Some keys to remember... Be curious, see your fears from a neutral perspective (without judgment), be SUPER honest with yourself (this is crucial) and make sure that you feel compassion for yourself.  It does no good to feel sorry for yourself; this is NOT compassion but sympathy and it is NOT empowering.  You want the feeling of empowerment and satisfaction to come from sharing your own love with your ego.  

Ego is NOT bad as we are taught.  It is simply the part of ourselves that chose to separate from our Core Self (Love) in order for us to experience duality.  That's just part of the "game" we are playing with ourselves here.  Without duality, there is no challenge and no growth.  That is why we are here.

If everyone were to allow for time to "do their work" during each day, we could be a lot further down this path of ascension collectively.  We would not look to others to "save us".  This process is what saves ourselves!  

It does not take much time at all, once you start down this path, to see your fears dissolve, feel better about yourself and to feel empowered (let go of victim-hood).  We are ALL capable of doing our own work.  There is NOTHING we can't overcome!

I tell you all of this because I'm living proof that what I have written here is true; it is my EXPERIENCE.  This is THE BEST tool I can share with all of you.  Now that you have it, be curious, be gentle with yourselves and have FUN with it.  Learn to laugh at yourself... don't take your self so seriously!  It will all be OK!

Love you AllπŸ˜„πŸ’–

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