23 October, 2019

The BIG Question... 😉

For as long as I can remember, I've always had this Big question... not "Who am I" or "What's my Purpose" although those questions were in the back of my mind also. 

Ever since I learned at an early age about reincarnation, MY question was always, "If I've come here over and over again, why is my consciousness here in THIS lifetime?"

Well, today, I got the answer to that question.  A few months ago, I became aware of Daniel Scranton.  He has a website/blog where he posts channeled messages from the Arcturians; a group of non-physical beings who are in the process of their own ascension and are assisting us with ours by giving us relevant and helpful information as to our collective progress and by sharing their current perspective of us.  You can access his website to see all the daily messages on the front page of my blog.  Look for Daniel Scranton.com under "links"

Today's message, while it wasn't specifically about my question, gave me the necessary information to receive insight about my question and connect some dots so-to-speak relevant to answering my own question!  I suggest you read this short message from the Arcturians FIRST before reading the rest of this post.


Of course!  Now it makes sense to me why I've chosen this lifetime to Be Here Now.  One of the bits of information that I acquired later in life is that (from a spiritual perspective) everything is happening at once.  It has taken a long time for my mind to wrap around THAT one!  😜 This is the lifetime where I have gathered and studied many sources of Spirituality and incorporated most of it so that I could "do the work" I talk about... to not only know my ego from doing this work but also share what I've learned with the other aspects of myself that are "out there" in other lifetimes and dimensions/densities of physical existence.  This is the lifetime for most of us to "wake up". 

Waking up, I have found happens in waves and layers.  There are many aspects to "waking up".  The last, I believe, is to awaken to the other aspects of our consciousness that are being affected by the work we do on ourselves.  The healing we do is not in a linear sense.  Everything we do on THIS physical plane affects ALL aspects of ourselves on other planes BECAUSE everything is happening at once. 

We can not and will not be able to merge with our Higher Selves on this plane until we fully heal all the trauma from all the other lifetimes that we've had here.

As we do this work on healing our trauma, I have found that the many aspects of my own ego re-integrate with my core self and as that happens I believe we also heal and integrate the other aspects of our Soul on different planes.  We don't have to heal them one at a time!

As the different parts of our Soul heal, they also re-integrate with the Greater part of our Soul; our "Higher Self".  As they re-integrate, I believe that is when we get access to all the wisdom and gifts that each particular aspect had in each "past" lifetime that we can then utilize in THIS lifetime!  Oooh how exciting!

Reading today's messages from the Arcturians is very exciting indeed because it's about the last few months of this year!  It gives me a boost of confidence that I will indeed finish the healing that I started in earnest back in 2013!  It has been a long road of recovery and I look forward to letting go of the rest of what does not serve me and to the re-integration with my Higher Self!  The End is Near!😂💖👍

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