14 April, 2020

Open Letter of Forgiveness to those on "the dark path"

The first thing you should know, to those of you reading this, that no matter what path you're on (dark or light), I LOVE YOU!  Let me explain how that can be.

I Love EVERYONE because I KNOW and FEEL without a doubt the Oneness that IS.  That is to say, I have an inner/over/understanding that ALL is Source Energy, that we are ALL from the same Source without exception to the inclusion of Earth herself and ALL of her inhabitants and beyond.

That said, I also have a broader/expanded view of our existence here on Gaia to further inner/over/understand the "bigger picture" if you will of why we are here; the purpose of our Collective AND individual experiences here in this TEMPORARY reality.

I want you to know that I understand the role of the Ones who have chosen the "dark path"; to be in stark contrast to the "lighter path" so that the choice can be made to choose what FEELS best on both the individual and collective level.  

There is no good/bad or right/wrong about it!  We are simply following the rules of this Uni-verse in order to "play the game" if you will.

We are at the precipice of this choice given the disclosure of information that is about to come out what "the dark ones" have been up to.

There are MANY who already know what has been going on and (you) know this!  This is what (you) are afraid of.  It's understandable.  

However, MOST do not know and the time has come for all of you on this "dark path" to make your own choice before this disclosure happens.

Because I have had this knowing for many years now, I have processed all of the emotions related to having this information and the understanding I have of "the bigger picture" is what prompts me to follow through with Forgiveness.  Truly!💖

However, I cannot speak for the ones ABOUT to find out!  They will be outraged, angry, sad, mortified and will want heads to roll... literally!  😢  That is also understandable.

This "disclosure" is inevitable!  It MUST happen for this ascension process in vibration to complete itself.  We MUST COLLECTIVELY accept the Truth of what it REALLY means to BE on this "dark path".  You, who have chosen this path, are the Beings of Light that LOVED THE REST OF US SO MUCH that you chose this most difficult role; to BE that contrast in duality.  You, like the rest of us, have just forgotten in order to play this "game".  I am SO GRATEFUL to ALL who have done this because I know I wouldn't have wanted to do this (lol) and ironically, I have, in other lifetimes/timelines, been that dark being.  However, I AM THE ONE who is stepping up to be the example for others to show that I DO accept that Truth and hold the highest regard (in spiritual terms) for those on this "dark path" and forgive them for their errs in judgment/discernment and the atrocities they have had to commit to be that contrast!

Now, to go a little deeper here... there is other information that will not come out not immediately but that I am still aware of.  It is about the being(s) that are behind all of this... nastiness.  To eliminate unnecessary explanation, I invite you to watch this video from someone I have found to be quite credible given the information he puts out there. 

Now, I know what you could be thinking... this isn't TRUE!  But what if it is true?  What would that mean for those on this dark path?  It would mean you have a choice.  You, so far, have chosen to stay with the playbook feeling compelled into keeping to the "playbook" for appearances and the slight hope that maybe it's not true and that somehow you can pull off this "dark agenda".  

Well, I can assure you, per vibration alone (and you know this) this ascension IS HAPPENING!  There is NO stopping it; it is already collectively decided!

I alert you to another choice:  Surrender!  Surrender to that spark of Divine Light that YOU ARE!  It's never to late to change your mind.  Then end of this "dark path" is coming, you also know this.  That end can happen a multitude of ways.  It can mean your arrest, prosecution and/or your incarceration/death by capitol punishment or suicide. (which, while it would be appropriate karma in terms of this physical reality given the atrocities committed but that I don't agree with) OR, you can realize on your own that the possibility does exist that you can be forgiven because I HAVE DONE IT!  AND you must do it for yourselves.

So, if there is ANY doubt in your mind about the path you have chosen and you wish to make another choice that feels better, NOW would be the time to take the leap of faith that will be needed to TRUST that your fellow Beings in Light are ready to embrace you... to accept you in the truth of your role... to Love you as they do themselves and as I do, because, I would rather see as many of you come with us to the next "level" if you will, than spend another few cycles starting over because of stubborn egocentricity or because you take yourself out of the game to escape.  THERE IS NO ESCAPE and there is no need to fear what you will inevitably face... the Truth of your own choice and the karma you have to repay to bring balance back into being.  It won't be as bad as you think.  WHATEVER your choice ends up being, you will either start over from scratch or you will ascend with the collective.  The Dark Agenda will NOT succeed!

I leave you now in Peace, Love and with the knowledge of the choice you have before you.  It is yours alone.💖💪👪🙏  Godspeed to you!

Open Letter to All Awakened Beings of Light 💜

Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening Fellow Beings of Light!

The time is upon us to come together collectively "in the field" of consciousness to hold the vibration together for ALL with the intention of, "the Highest and Best Good for All of Creation."  This is all that is needed to carry forward ALL into the next "level" of frequency and complete our collective foray into the lower frequencies.  

While you hold this intention, imagine and feel what it would feel like to you to (again) be in the higher frequencies of Love, Joy and Abundance!  

Keep it simple.  (it is not necessary to add ANY detail)

The time is NOW

The call has gone out.  If you are reading this, YOU are called.  Will you answer the call once more?  

Please make sure you pass this on to others who are Inspired.  

Thank YOU! 

I Love you ALL!!!💖😘

06 April, 2020

Hear for yourself about Covid-19; Q

I always take David Icke with a grain of salt but what he says fits with other things I've heard from other sources and are confirming what he says.  See project Veritas video HERE and Mandy Bombard's video and analysis of people talking about the virus HERE.  These are both Bitchute vids so they shouldn't get taken down like Youtube did with the London Real one on David Icke.


This is the biggest false flag event since 9/11... the last gasp from the deep state.  

Prepare for celebrations!!!

Love you ALL! 

I guess since this is getting the most reads right now that I should add...  if you remember, Trump said that this was a hoax from the get-go.  I don't really follow the media very much but I did hear about it and all the flack he got from saying that.  He also said that he wanted this to be all done and over with by EASTER!  😜  Just WOW!  

This would HAVE to be a hoax if that is to take place.  I guess we won't have long to wait.  

I haven't said anything about Q in my blog here and after finding out about Q in 2018 and following for a YEAR, I decided that Q is for REAL!  I don't really feel like I'm going out on a limb with this either.  It is VERY obvious, from all the "Q proofs", that Q really does know what is going to happen before it happens.  I also followed quite a few people who were making their own videos about their interpretations of the Q drops and I settled on X22 Report on YT.  I also liked IPOT but got tired of all the other stuff he put in there.  Dave is the best at just reporting what he thinks (he's been very accurate) and without emotion although he thinks he's ranting sometimes.  lol  

Some other things that have been said that lead me to believe that this REALLY is a FF event... the people in Wuhan yelling "fake" out their windows as a group (don't remember what their title was) was touring the empty neighborhoods in Wuhan to assess...?  

Trump said the next 2 weeks were going to be very painful for Americans (he wasn't talking about the virus) and there was going to be a lot of death... yeah from all those people who are afraid to face the consequences of their actions IE:  pedophilia and treason. ("invisible enemy" is code for the deep state.  He has even mentioned and called them out)

The reports of earthquakes in the vicinity of D.U.M.B.S (deep underground military bases).  There are some people who have these maps that confirm this.

The fact that over a million troops have been trained to fight UNDERGROUND!  (why would that be?)  to rescue all the children that are being held in tunnels and caverns underground for ritual abuse and torture.  

I don't have links for any of this, they are out there... you are going to have to do some of your own research to find these.  It will be more believable if you do.  Not to mention as I read all the comments on the videos where I've heard all this; people are in agreement - they know what is going on!  

We haven't seen the worst yet either.  I know how hard it is to believe any of this if you have been one that has trusted the government and you have a hard time believing that ANYONE could do some of the horrific things that are mentioned (you don't think like that!  but there are people who DO) so just hold onto your hat, just know that it's all been going on FOR CENTURIES, you're just now finding out.  The ride is going to get even bumpier!

It goes even further than that and even Q hasn't gotten into at all.  It goes back many millenia and includes races of beings that have battled over control of our planet.  (is that so hard to believe?) SEE this video of Bill Wood outing himself before he "disappears".  Bear with it, it's hard to listen to because it HASN'T been edited.  If you go to the channel where these videos are, there are MORE that you should watch. 

I have studied "conspiracy theories" for many decades now and it seems that they are all connected.  The more you find out, the deeper the rabbit hole goes and the more disgusting it gets!  

HOWEVER!  Because I've also had a much (larger/expanded/broader/hmm... elevated?) view of our situation here on planet Earth (I see the bigger picture) from a SPIRITUAL point of view, (and for longer than I've delved into the theories) I know this is what we have all collectively created for ourselves, (the worst case scenario?) to create the darkest contrast to what we want, so that we can create an even brighter future for ourselves!  YES!  That is what living in duality is ALL about!  right?  How do you know what you want unless you have the contrast of something you don't want?  This is also why I have titled my blog "ascension through duality".  We are creating the brightest future for ALL of creation through this collective experience of duality!

I'll admit, when Trump first came on the presidential scene, I didn't know what to think and I had my doubts about him.  Even when he said he was going to "drain the swamp" and I knew what he meant, I just had to stay on the fence and be neutral and trust... in what I didn't know.  

Now that it's been three years and much has come to light, I have absolutely NO DOUBT AT ALL that it's really happening!  He (and his team) have really done it!  It's all going to be OK!!😊

And really, having that spiritual perception that I do and knowing about the underlying energetic to all this, it MUST happen!  It's many years of spiritual study and not enough time/space here to go into all of it (you could read more of my posts) to help you understand, however, frequency is ever increasing and we have crossed over into another age... one where we will experience 1000 years of peace and it's all part of the cyclic nature that the experience physical reality gives us for our spiritual growth/expansion. 

(see today's post about "the virus")

So I have complete trust, faith and KNOWING (from my intuition) that, while what is happening WILL get worse, (destruction must happen before re-construction) there IS "a light at the end of the tunnel" and it's going to be even better than any of us can imagine at the moment!

The BIGGEST part of all this we ALL MUST keep in mind and FEEL is COMPASSION.  That alone will help you through this.  You must have it for yourself (your own ego) to genuinely have it for others but that's where you start.  I've written other posts about this.  If you have a hard time with feeling compassion, it's OK, just be as neutral as possible.

I have had compassion for the "bad guys" for many years now with the understanding that they have taken on the most difficult role of being the "bad guys" so that the rest of us wouldn't have to have this difficult job.  I'm SO very GRATEFUL for them because they've done their job superbly and so well that it's going to be a VERY bumpy ride for them in the face of all the HATE they are going to experience from most of the "others".  Just keep in mind, there really is no such thing as "evil"... there is ONLY Divinity and EVERYONE is Divine at their core even those that have moved the furthest away from that flame to be "the dark ones".  

I Love you ALL and may all of your days be BLESSED!!💓