11 January, 2018


I could have added so much more in my last post.  A lot of what goes through my head is in reaction to the utter STUPIDITY and UNAWARE people I see around me.  It's their oblivious behavior that sometimes gets to me.  My reactions are always how to educate or "fix" people.  I'm so OVER the bullshit I hear and see from people.  Just as an example... I've been working to rent out an apartment for my roommate and there was one person who came to look at it that had to ask me if dogs were allowed when it said right in the ad that they were not!  I just wanna fucking slap those people who don't pay attention and have to ask about the obvious.  I experience this almost daily!  There are also people who, for whatever reason, feel the need to repeat themselves about stuff that I really don't need to hear and their information is personal in nature.  Give me a fucking break!  I'm over the people that don't want to "do the work" for anything whether it's just educating themselves about the kind of dog they have so that the dog's needs are taken care of properly to allowing someone who doesn't live in their body to tell them how to be healthy.  People have become complacent and "followers" instead of being their own leader.  They would rather give over their power to a total stranger than do the work that would empower them to lead themselves.

What else?  how about the slow decline I've seen over the years where money has become more important than people.  I see this happening more and more and when it's affecting me, I call it out!  I'm DONE holding my tongue and not saying anything to people who act like fucking idiots because they unconsciously choose to live in fear, hold onto lack consciousness and choose to be assholes to each other!  The "customer is always right" is no longer true.  People now value their material possessions, money and tech more than their personal interactions with people.  I feel sorry for the "millennial" generation that didn't grow up with all this tech that only distracts them from what is real.  They wander around glued to their phones because their good feelings come from how many "likes" they get on facecrack instead of feeling good that they did something for someone else other than themselves.  This is because they are insecure and their search for security erroneously comes from outside of themselves.

Or how about the person who says they are "spiritual" and talk the talk but don't walk the walk?  People think that just because they do yoga and meditate that they are "spiritual".  Well, you know what makes you "spiritual"?  REALIZING YOU ARE GOD AND LIVING FROM THAT SPACE.  It's educating yourself on the spiritual laws (Truth) that we are always using but most use by default.  It's waking up to the TRUTH that we are all ONE and what that really means.   It's realizing that we have been LIED to about EVERYTHING and then spreading that truth to others.  Be in service to yourself FIRST and then be in service to "others".  If you find yourself trying to "fix" or "rescue" someone else, then you have more work to do.  We're not here to "save" each other.  Rescuing someone other than yourself is disempowering to the other and is really a lack of trust that they can do it on their own.  It's not loving at all.  When you do "save yourself" you realize how true this is and you no longer feel the need to do it.  We all have the capacity to save ourselves from ourselves (our own ego).  Sometimes we do need a "hand-up" but not a "hand-out".   Doing the work for someone else is not really help.  Wait until people actually ask for help before you give your two cents.  No one's path is like another's.  We may use some of the same tools and that's why we do run into people who have answers for us but it's still up to us to do our own work whatever that looks like.

That's only a small portion of the bullshit I see daily.  And people wonder why I'd rather be alone... even when I'm able to have compassion for people's ignorance, I would still rather be alone!

I want to be clear here; even though I go through this in my head, I still make the choice to take the "higher road".  I can call people on their shit without letting the bitch do it.  Most of the time, I don't say anything because it's not affecting me and it's not my business.  I would rather not be in someone else's business anyway.  My life is drama free and I like to keep it that way.  I have to have lots of talks with myself to get past my feelings about the inequality and downright ignorance I see and I get through it.

I don't judge myself about any of this either because it's NOT wrong to think or feel ANYTHING.  It's what we do with it that counts.  The choices we make are what shape our reality.  Remember that!💓😉🙈🙉🙊 

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