21 February, 2018

Gratitude/Appreciation relating to the LOA (Law of Attraction)

Gratitude and appreciation are at about the same level on the emotional scale.  They are what I practice every day to help keep my energy high and on the positive side.  Actually, I don't have to even try to do this.  It happens naturally as a side effect of being Happy!

I can remember when it was very hard for me to find gratitude; things to be grateful for.  I was in a very low place with myself and it used to even anger me to look at this sticker on the vent hood of my stove in the kitchen that said, "attitude of gratitude brings miracles".  It was put there by the previous tenant and I left it because I did like it.  That was over 10 years ago right before I decided to go to Hawai'i.

When I talk about the emotional scale, this is what I mean.  I've included this link because it shows the best example of what I'm talking about.  She also gives some other relevant and good information.  You'll notice that gratitude and appreciation are not listed.  I would put them in below contentment; at the start of the scale because just saying, "thank you" can lead to contentment and then you move up from there.

Gratitude and appreciation are at the foundation of everything "good" that we create.  You want to be in these positive emotions if you are interested in manifesting something you actually want.  Our emotions are the driving force behind our creations so you want to make sure you feel "good" while you're thinking about what you want.  You have 7 seconds to change your attitude if you do NOT feel "good".

Changing how you feel works best if you start with the lower Love vibrations on the scale because they are the bottom "steps" on the scale.  It's much harder to feel the higher vibrations much like it would be to jump from the floor to the top step of a staircase.  Start with the first step, it's easier.

Gratitude and appreciation are the easiest of the love vibrations to start with if you are feeling low because it is generally easy to find things to be grateful for.  If you're one that is on a path of self improvement, then this will be easy.  You can be grateful for the current situation; that you are getting to see a side of yourself that needs attention.

If you are not on the path of self improvement but want to feel better, appreciation is still a good start.  Start with small things like appreciating a blue sky or a pet or another loved one.  Find little things about them that you like to appreciate like the soft coat of a dog or cat.  Animals in general are a great way to help us feel better because they give us love regardless of how we're feeling unlike people.  Getting out in nature can be healing all by itself because Nature just IS and it's easier not to have any judgment about it.

Beauty as a tool to see where you are:  You know the saying, "beauty is in the eye of the beholder"?  I think this saying came about not just because we all have different definitions of what "beauty" is but also because when we are feeling low on the emotional scale, it's hard to find things as beautiful and as you move up the scale, looking at the same thing can and does look different when you feel better.  It's also like when you're "in love" and everything looks beautiful no matter what you're looking at.  Everything is "right" with the world and nothing can go wrong.  How we see things is dependent upon how we're feeling.  I'm sure everyone has had the experience of things looking different to us based on our mood.  I've had many experiences of this with people.  One minute the person in front of me can look very appealing and then they open their mouth and out comes something mean, rude or totally stupid and suddenly they don't look as good.  Basically it's my judgment of what they said that is changing MY attitude about them and that's why they look different to me.  They haven't really changed, I changed.  How we see things is based on how we feel.

The flip side of all this is judgment/complaining.  We are ALWAYS using the LOA.  If you find yourself in judgment (calling things right and wrong) and/or complaining about things, you are giving negative emotions as the driving force to your thoughts and then you will receive more to complain about.  Using ANY emotion on the negative side of the scale as the driving force with your thoughts will give you what you DON'T want.

The Universe makes no preference as to what it gives us.  That preference is up to us.  That's why is SO important to CARE about how you feel and to find things that make you feel good so that you can create what you WANT.  If you're not feeling good, then it's up to you to take charge of your feelings and not let the ego run the show.  You have to make different choices and it starts with letting go of the negative emotions.

The only purpose of negative emotions is to show us where we are on the emotional scale so that we can make the choice to feel better consciously so that we are manifesting what we want and we can be genuinely happy.

Unfortunately, people get addicted to their negative emotions because they either are addicted to their own adrenalin or they have found that they get the attention they want.  In my opinion, these people have the hardest time of changing how they feel because they have become accustomed to their negative emotions and have convinced themselves that they are "happy" when really, they're not.  They think they're happy because they are getting attention that is meeting a need.  The attention is coming from OUTSIDE instead of INSIDE and they are unable to meet the need themselves.

Remember, it's all about the experience and there really are NO mistakes even if you find yourself in a low place.  Maybe that's what you came to experience.  It's no fun but what doesn't kill you makes you STRONGER!  It's a test to ourselves to see if we're up for the challenge and we never give ourselves something we can't handle.

I've been through many "dark nights of the soul" but since learning about LOA and how to use it consciously, I have created a life I'm really happy with.  When I feel the need to change it, I have faith and trust in myself that I will create something even better!  

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