11 February, 2018


It occurs to me that it's judgment that keeps us mired in the ego.  It took me a while to get over this but when I did, I felt much better.

Judgment is a distortion of discernment.  We need discernment while still in this density because of the polarity we still experience.  Once we leave this density and move into the next, less dense realm, I believe we will still have the need for it but it won't be distorted by the ego into judgment.  There won't be any more right/wrong, good/bad etc.  We will be beyond the need to experience duality.

If you are judging people with thoughts or words, then you are judging yourself about something.  We are taught to do this by everyone around us but especially the people we have the most contact with.  Stop judging yourself and you will automatically stop judging others.  You just won't have any interest in it.

What I have discovered is that everything that comes out of our mouth or happens (outside of us) is a direct reflection of what is going on in the conscious and unconscious mind.  Our thoughts do indeed create our reality and the now deceased Dr. Matsuru Emoto proved that with his study of how our thoughts imprint on water.  Also the symposium done in the 1950's with the "it's a particle, it's a wave" was the same thing even though science doesn't acknowledge that yet...

This is a tool you can use to "back engineer" to what thoughts created your reality.  Sometimes it's obvious, sometimes not so obvious.   The not-so-obvious stuff is what is unconscious.  We're likely to say it's "bad luck" or "it just happened" etc.  NOTHING JUST HAPPENS.  It all happened because YOU THOUGH ABOUT IT.  We don't create FOR each other either.  We can co-create but then there is usually some stumbling block of both parties accepting responsibility; blame usually comes into play and THAT'S a TOTAL waste of time!  It's not really necessary to know what thoughts created what; just that you take responsibility and make a different choice of what you do want now that you've created what you don't want.  Leave the blame and judgment out of it!

What helped me get over my own self judgment was that I found what I call "the neutral observer" which I believe everyone has.  I see it in my mind as the bridge between ego and Core Self.  If I could just observe something from a neutral perspective, I had no judgment of it; right or wrong.  First, I practiced this with simple things unrelated to myself so I could prove to myself that I could do it.  Then I practiced this with my own "stuff" while I told myself that, "I did the best I could with what I had at the time," or so and so did the best they could... I practiced telling myself that I really didn't know the truth unless I had asked questions to get to the truth and like most people, I made assumptions and believed them.  Now I ask questions instead of assuming I know which is ego.  Ego only knows what we teach it so it better be the truth! lol

It really did help to go back, using imagination, to particular events in my life that were troublesome. Events I wish had turned out differently or hadn't happened at all.  I used my imagination to make different outcomes.  I know this is not the "judgment" I started talking about but it's tied in.  It helps relieve the judgment by changing the outcome in our minds to something we like.  Since our thoughts create reality, why not change our past to something we can deal with if we couldn't deal with how it happened.  It feels good to do this also and empowers us to take control of our own mind instead of letting it control us.

I believe this is the "Mandela Effect" that is talked about on the net.  In one reality, Nelson Mandela died and in another (now) he is alive.  That's the gist of this phenomenon.  It's the thoughts that we think along with the emotion (gas) that gives life to our thoughts.  No gas, no manifestation.  Imagine of ALL of our thoughts manifested!  lol  What a pickle we'd be in.

I discovered when I eliminated the judgment of myself, not only did I have no desire to judge others, I quit gossiping; I don't even want to hear others do it!  I see everything from both sides and neutrally, I have no tolerance of judgment from others and couldn't care less how others may judge me.  I know they are just judging themselves.  We do it so we can feel better about ourselves but it doesn't really work like that.  It's a temporary "fix" at best.  I think we can actually get addicted to it because of the endorphin "high" we can get from making other people wrong so we can feel "superior".  What a fucking joke!

It feels SO much better to not have the judgment at all!  TRUE DAT!😌💖👍💪

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