23 July, 2018

Destiny VS. Fate

Being they are two different words, they mean different things even though people use them interchangeably sometimes.  Even the dictionary does this!

Destiny is that which is predetermined.  It's the end result of what we came to experience here in this particular or any incarnation.  Certain experiences within the incarnation are destined also.  Meaning, that regardless of what choice we make, the outcome will be the same.

What is NOT pre-destined is the path we take.  That's where free-will comes in.  We can take the "high road" or the "low road".  That means we can make our choices from ego or fear OR we can make our choices from our heart or Love.  It's up to us but all paths lead to the same destiny.

Fate, on the other hand, is NOT predetermined because of the letter F.  It relates to choices we make that we are not aware of.  I can hear people asking now, "How can I make a choice that I'm not aware of?"   We make choices all the time when we are not fully present with our Selves (in the NOW moment).  Sometimes we call it being on "automatic" or "auto-pilot" where we may be in a routine and not completely aware of all the choices we are making in a given moment.

The letter F denotes a choice.  It's a choice between the "high" road and the "low" road.  When we are fully present in the NOW moment we can become more aware of every little decision that we have to make.  When we are not present in the NOW, that's when we can sidetrack or deviate from the "straight and narrow" path and create "lessons" for ourselves by NOT being fully present and taking the "low road".  Fateful decisions can be avoided.  They are not bad per se but by being present and aware we can avoid the lesson altogether and not meander off our path.

F-A-T-E broken down is this:  FA is the mind process, T becomes "borrowed" from the executive portion of the word to become the motivation (heart) and then T and E are the executive portion.  Mind, heart and hands/feet.  I'm giving you a quick lesson from what I've learned about what individual letters of the alphabet mean and how words affect what we think, feel and do.  You can read about it in the post "Science of Characteristics".

So we (F) have a choice to make and we (A) think about (without any other information) what our choices could be.  We are motivated by the (T) details that we have instant contact with (aware of) and then doing things with attentiveness (T) and carefully (E).

The choice, F, is the freewill choice of Love (for self and others; wanting the win/win) and Fear; doing such and such because one is afraid of something else.  This is where we often unconsciously make the choice out of fear if we are not present and aware of where the choice is coming from.  Unfortunately, most people, BECAUSE they misunderstand freewill, often make their choices from fear.  Care must be taken not to make choices that don't feel good.  That is the indicator (feelings) where the choice is coming from.

So fate ties in with destiny as a determining factor of how we reach our destiny; by the "high road" or the "low road".

22 July, 2018

Ascension update

Today is the first day in a week that I finally feel like I have energy!  This isn't related to sickness... I know that much.  It's part of the ascension symptoms that I've been feeling lately.  I figure because I have so much free time even though I'm "working", that my wish for fast-tracking my own ascension process has been granted.  I've intuited that I'm getting a massive upgrade of my body which includes detoxing and healing/activation of dormant DNA.

I've had energy to do what I need to do but mostly, I don't feel like doing anything and I've spent plenty of time lying around!  lol  I've had to deal with a small part of myself that is making me "wrong" for doing just that.  It's actually kind of nice to not have a whole lot that I HAVE to do!

For the whole last month, I've had to have afternoon naps when I can do it and even lie on the couch while I'm volunteering sometimes.  This particular wave of energy has been a little rough on my physical body.

I've started taking a fish oil to help with the detox and to help with my teeth.  I'm already drinking structured water to help stay hydrated better and taking other stuff to help with detoxing as well.

I hope to realize psychic gifts at the end of this wave.

I have noticed that I feel more loving toward people in general and while it's subtle, the snarky, protective part of my ego that thinks it has to protect me from total strangers, that voice is getting less and less.  What a relief THAT is! lmao  And even though I've had to deal with being tired most of the time, I feel more like getting out into the public more rather than being in "my cave". 😊

17 July, 2018

Making Changes ;-)

I had written a post about David Wilcock's resignation from Gaia and after some contemplation, I deleted it.  I actually still have it in email form as a reminder of what I wrote but basically, while I could give my opinion of what I THINK happened, I really don't care!  lmao!  A video made by someone with Laura Eisenhauer and Patty Greer about David's resignation and GEM getting a hold of it and after listening to just 5 minutes, I realize that SHE has NO IDEA what the truth is either.  I don't know why it's even such a big deal... that's when I deleted my post.  There is so much there to interpret and without being able to ask David myself what is going on, I decided it was a drama that I need not involve myself in in any way shape or form including giving my opinion.  I also got intuitively that it's another distraction.  Just because I know of David and Gaia doesn't make this anything less than the drama it is and it would be a waste of my time to give it any attention whatsoever.

That incident paved the way so-to-speak in my decision to completely ignore everything ascension related coming from SOMEONE ELSE.  I have no more need or desire to follow anything that anyone is doing.  Just from what I find out from getting tid-bits of info from others, I know enough on my own that I don't need to waste my time listening to the research someone else has done.  Most of what I find only corroborates what I get intuitively.  Maybe what has happened is that I realize (finally) that I AM getting the answers I seek from my own inner being and I don't need the outside verification anymore!😇

The last 2 days since making that decision, I have felt lighter and happier than previously.  It makes me really happy also not to be spending as much time on the computer.  I can feel that part of me is VERY relieved!

I've also started meditating again with a simple mantra:  I AM Love.  When I feel my mind starting to wander, I say, thank you and my mantra again.  I only do it a few minutes at a time but I do it several times a day.  I have also started (again) to visualize Momma Earth surrounded by pink/golden light along with every being on the surface or inside her.  I did that years ago but got away from doing it.  And lastly, when I go to bed at night, I think of a few things that I am grateful for from the day or in general. 

I've started reading a translation of the Emerald Tablets of Thoth.  I believe it's an accurate translation/interpretation and there is much to absorb there.  

I feel something big coming and I still read headlines and occasionally some articles of interest but my main focus is on my own healing/ascension and helping those who come my way when I am willing and able. 

Today, I woke up feeling spiritually tired like I was out all night "working" lol.  I feel very lazy today and it's not an ideal day to just lay around like I feel like doing... lol  I feel a little goofy too like when I'm physically tired and need sleep.  I have plenty of physical energy but I look forward to going to bed early tonight after I read some more about Thoth!  ðŸ˜œðŸ’–

04 July, 2018

The Tenth Insight

Over the last couple of weeks, I've had this book "stare" at me at the Caritas Center.  I volunteer over there 1-2 times a week.  It was a book I'd already read and that's why I had pushed aside the prompt to pick it up again and read it.

Well, when I was there last Thursday, I said, "What the hell..." and picked it up.  OMG!  It was like reading it for the first time.  I was totally enthralled with reading it and almost couldn't put it down.  James Redfield is an excellent writer.

I understood as I read it why I had to read it again.  It had been 22 years since it was published and that's when I read it the first time.  I had also read "The Celestine Prophesy" which is an adventure story written about his travels in South America searching for the first nine insights.  The insights are what we are to grasp in order to evolve to the next level of existence.  Not necessarily to 5D but to prepare us while still in 3D to help us change our ways so that we can exist more harmoniously together.

The tenth had not actually been written down and was gained intuitively by the group he connected with.  The tenth is about  raising our vibration to the point where we can see our "birth vision" as we saw it before incarnating.  The birth vision was what we had hoped to achieve by incarnating to the parents we chose and also based on the experience we had just left in the previous lifetime.  It's also about holding a "world vision" for all of humanity to help raise the overall vibration and give energy to those waking up.

While reading the book, I also got reminders of the other nine insights which gave me clues to my own behavior that I have been struggling with regarding a personal acquaintance.  I was able to understand what it is that has been bugging me about her and what I need to do about it.

I also understood that I have grasped the first nine insights and I needed to reread this book about the tenth so that I can get to my own "next level".  I also realize that I am finally ready for my next relationship as I will not get attached or addicted to the energy that we will exchange.  I have found my own source and I know that I will only attract a man who has also found his own.

I am so excited by the possibilities and the mystery of what is coming next!

I highly recommend if you haven't read these books to do so.  Here is a link to find out more about James Redfield and his books.