26 May, 2022

Quick Update

I have to interrupt the current story for a really cool newsflash!😄💖

I will be brief.  I am having a very clear experience of how changing ones thoughts (perspective) about something or someone can really shift the whole situation overnight!

I have a new client that is very desperate for help and just after a few days, I wasn't sure I wanted to continue.  There is a lot I really appreciate about her like how organized she is and that my work there is never hard or dirty.  She keeps up with everything very well.  She's patient, trusts that I know what I'm doing and generous.  There was also something I couldn't put my finger on kind of thing that was bugging me.

I had some explorative conversations with my housemates as to what could be going on (with HER of course😂) as to why I was feeling what I was feeling.  I realized later that while it was still helpful to a degree, it still cast more of a negative light on her that was all assumptions.

That night I recognized that I was trying to rescue her and also that I was afraid of facing myself!  She herself, is a "rescuer".  It's not a bad thing, it's a misdirection of energy that should be going towards one's self instead of being projected outward.  I had succumbed to her dominant energy of needing to be rescued and part of me wanted to fulfill that!

She needs so much help that she's been unable to keep up with her work.  Of course, I have my own ideas about what is going on but that's beside the point.  The point being that after I saw what my ego was doing, I realized I can let her stuff (whatEVER it may be) be her stuff, offer help and wait to be asked and therefore let it go and not spend any of my mental energy "fixing" her problems in my head.

The next day, it was a totally different experience!  She wasn't stressed and I was actually happy to be there whereas the day before I felt a mild dread of going.  The next day was the same joyful experience.  Now I feel like I'm in service to her rather than feeling some (resentment maybe?) at going because I saw her as being "needy".  Now I'm more like her guardian angel in the flesh and happy to help.

Part of me wants to give her more of my time than I feel I should.  I'm hyper aware that I need to keep all of my activities in balance.  I have not had this level of activity in my life since 2017 when I stopped driving the taxi.  I'm doing very well, I think, juggling everything I have going on.😁💪💖

Longer than expected but I felt the need to add some detail so you get what I'm saying.  I changed HOW I was seeing her and THAT was what changed "the movie".  I wonder if I may have jumped a time-line doing that! 😲💞😎


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