My online journal as I navigate through life to help other people as they follow their own path of ascension. This is my own perspective of life and what I have learned and continue to learn as I go along. Please take everything I say here with "a grain of salt" as this is MY perspective and opinion as I understand from my own experience of Life. If you find you have "issues" with what I say, then please, for your own sake, do your own research, seek your own experience.
21 July, 2009
Donations and other stuff
So, as you can see, I added a donation button to my sidebar. I'm not going to ask for your money but if you like what I have to say and you want to keep reading more, then by all means please donate something. I won't feel bad if you don't but it can't hurt to have it there. I am not working at the moment and am quickly running out of funds and I haven't paid my internet bill for 2 months now or my rent(yikes!)I am in the process of educating myself to do something that will empower people to communicate with their own guidance(and make $$ at it). I learned this technique myself 7 months ago and it's pretty amazing to have a conversation with my guidance(angels). I haven't talked about it yet because I wanted to build a foundation for who I am first. I have many sources to share with links to websites etc. but all in due time. I am toying around with some ideas for this blog on what kind of format to use. I have considered just using it as a daily journal to update people on my progress of using the Laws of Creation. I have considered using it just as a teaching tool for Ascension or using it just for promoting the sources of teachings that have gotten me where I am. I think I will make a new survey and ask YOU what you think I should do with it. What would you like to read about. I can tell you right now, I am not interested in all the drivel that people talk about on their blogs. I couldn't care less about current events or what people think about them. I must be something about ascension. I feel that is the most important event going on right now. And it is going on right now even if you don't believe it is. I know that may sound crazy but everything connects to that to be sure. What matters most right now is that our thoughts change to what we want the world to be like and then talk about THAT and do the things that will propel us in that direction. Make sure your thoughts, words and actions are in alignment. That is sooo crucial right now. And it is what I am practicing. It doesn't take long to manifest these days so be careful what you ask for. I am not an expert on ascension or the Laws of Creation but I am willing to take the leap of faith necessary to be a pioneer for others to show that you DON'T have to work your ass off to live, you don't have to have a lot of $$ to be happy and the Laws of Creation: The Law of Attraction, The Law of Deliberate Intent, The Law of Allowance and The Law of Balance all work. Someday, people will look back on these times the way we look back to 500 years ago, astounded that the people thought the world was flat, and say they can't believe that people didn't know about the Laws of Creation or even how to use them; )
19 July, 2009
A Reminder...
I know that we all have our own beliefs but this is not just a belief and a belief is just a thought you continue to think. This is something I know and I know because it is my experience. We are all Divine and One with each other and our Primary Source. Source has many labels...God, Allah, All That Is, etc. etc. It doesn't matter what the label is, it is all the same and in the end, the truth shall be known as only the truth will be left standing when all else that is erroneous will fall away. I can remember thinking a long time ago that God didn't exist because of all of the pain I went through and all of the pain that existed for others as well. That thought was based on the belief that (God) was in charge of everything and that we were just pawns in an immense game; that we had no control over what happened in the world. I spent a short time as an atheist, angry with (God) that he didn't do anything about all the "bad" people in the world and what they did. I don't remember when my turning point was. I had these thoughts throughout Jr. High and High School. I remember having a conversation with my Dad sometime in High School about him being an agnostic~ someone who neither believes nor disbelieves in God. I think I decided that it would be better to neither disbelieve or believe (in God) than not at all. And that's when I became an Agnostic. My Dad to this day is still an agnostic although he does believe in a power greater than ourselves though he prefers not to label it. After High School I left for the Air Force and I think after I got out in 1986 that I changed my mind again and decided that there is something greater than ourselves but I was still unsure of the details. I didn't like calling it "God". "God" had a negative idea attached to it probably from going to Church with my parents when I was young until about 8 yo. I hated Church and thought it was boring and didn't agree with what they were teaching. My mom has always been my beacon and my source for most of the foundation of information that I share. I know she was part of not most of the reason I started on a path of self discovery. Everything she shared with me was so interesting and captivated my attention. I think I intuitively knew that there had to be more to life than what I could perceive with my 5 senses. I have always been empathic although I wasn't as aware of it as I am now. I didn't always trust it as I do now either. So to end a long story, I can relate to people who are atheists and who are agnostic and I have no contempt for them because as I said earlier...only the truth shall be left standing. I've been there and if it hadn't been for my Mom and my relentless pursuit of information that could help me change and become someone I loved, I would still be there. I used to hate who I was and that attracted people to me that reinforced that thinking. Going into the USAF was a huge turning point for me. I remember thinking to myself that no one there knew me and didn't know what I had been through. In looking back, I can see in hindsight that it was a very powerful thought I had had. It was what allowed me to start being the person I wanted to be although it didn't start without some pitfalls. The point is that the thoughts we think aren't always the truth. It isn't until we have an experience of something that we know the truth. Our (head)thoughts can lie to us, but experience always tells the truth. My experiences cover a lot of ground from dreams that I've had where I felt the most incredible feeling of Love I've ever had (that I have never felt anything close to in waking life) to the intuitive "hits" I get about things that are about to happen or be said to the conversations I have with my guidance. You can call me full of shit but I know in my heart that we ARE all ONE and for someone who doesn't believe that, isn't that a better thought to have rather than to believe something less?
18 July, 2009
More on the Ascension
Ascension means to rise above. For us it means the end of duality. On August 1, 2004. I distinctly got the impression that humanity was given a choice. It was time to get off the fence and choose the path of light or path of dark. There is no "wrong" choice. At the time I did not realize that this choice had come from our planet Earth. For it is the Earth that has decided to ascend. Being as we live here, and we are her caregivers, we must make the choice to either ascend or stay in the physical realm. It really comes down to what you're ready for.
I know I'm ready to leave the physical realm. Our process of ascension will take us from the third dimension to the fifth. The Fifth dimension is where everything manifests from. As soon as you decide you want something, it is there in the fifth dimension. We must learn how to use the Laws of Creation consciously as part of the Ascension process. We were not meant to stay in the loop of reincarnation for ever! There are powers that be that have slowed our evolution on purpose. I will not get into that right now, as that is a " conspiracy theory". The Ascension process is simple. Just do your best to raise your vibration or frequency and keep it high. Some of the things I have done and to do are: eat organic food; as much raw food as possible, cleanse my body using a negative ion foot bath, avoid people with a negative mindsets and "control freaks", spend time in nature, continually work on improving myself, avoid sugar, listen to music and stop watching TV. I recently got rid of my TV. TVs, especially the older ones, emit positive ions and negative frequencies, neither of which are good for you.
An important thing to remember is to use your feelings to determine what is good for you and what is not. When it comes to music, how does it make you feel? Does it make you feel alive, happy and uplifted? Or does it make you feel anxious and depressed? Duality is about experiencing more of who you are through contrast; good, bad, right, wrong, black, white etc. etc. We cannot determine what is good or bad, right or wrong for someone else. We can only do it for ourselves. That is why our justice system does not work. We should just let karma do its job! Of course there are areas of "agreement" that we all have. Our justice system is loosely based on that. Anyway, I don't want to get into all of that. That is not what I'm here to discuss. The point is to create a world that works and is the best for all concerned in the only way to do that is to become aware of the Laws of Creation and to use them intentionally. And just so you know, we are always using the Laws of Creation, just not intentionally. They are Universal Laws that are always working! It's just like gravity. It has always been there, and it didn't just start working because Newton discovered it! This is no different. Remember, the world used to be flat. That's enough for now, I will continue tomorrow.
In love and light, Riox
I know I'm ready to leave the physical realm. Our process of ascension will take us from the third dimension to the fifth. The Fifth dimension is where everything manifests from. As soon as you decide you want something, it is there in the fifth dimension. We must learn how to use the Laws of Creation consciously as part of the Ascension process. We were not meant to stay in the loop of reincarnation for ever! There are powers that be that have slowed our evolution on purpose. I will not get into that right now, as that is a " conspiracy theory". The Ascension process is simple. Just do your best to raise your vibration or frequency and keep it high. Some of the things I have done and to do are: eat organic food; as much raw food as possible, cleanse my body using a negative ion foot bath, avoid people with a negative mindsets and "control freaks", spend time in nature, continually work on improving myself, avoid sugar, listen to music and stop watching TV. I recently got rid of my TV. TVs, especially the older ones, emit positive ions and negative frequencies, neither of which are good for you.
An important thing to remember is to use your feelings to determine what is good for you and what is not. When it comes to music, how does it make you feel? Does it make you feel alive, happy and uplifted? Or does it make you feel anxious and depressed? Duality is about experiencing more of who you are through contrast; good, bad, right, wrong, black, white etc. etc. We cannot determine what is good or bad, right or wrong for someone else. We can only do it for ourselves. That is why our justice system does not work. We should just let karma do its job! Of course there are areas of "agreement" that we all have. Our justice system is loosely based on that. Anyway, I don't want to get into all of that. That is not what I'm here to discuss. The point is to create a world that works and is the best for all concerned in the only way to do that is to become aware of the Laws of Creation and to use them intentionally. And just so you know, we are always using the Laws of Creation, just not intentionally. They are Universal Laws that are always working! It's just like gravity. It has always been there, and it didn't just start working because Newton discovered it! This is no different. Remember, the world used to be flat. That's enough for now, I will continue tomorrow.
In love and light, Riox
Clarification of a few things...
I'd like to clarify a few things about myself. I am not here to tell people how to live or what they should do. Everyone is fully capable of fixing their own "problems". I'm here to open the door, but you must walk through on your own. None of you need my help, but it's okay to ask for it once in a while. I am here to share my experience of life while on the path to Ascension. Sometimes I may share things that you don't agree with, but that's okay. I don't always like what I see other people doing or what I hear come out of their mouth. But it's not up to me to change them. You can only change yourself, and you have to want to change. I don't really care what other people think about me, but it is interesting to hear what they think about what I have to say.
As I read back through some of my old blogs, I realize that I may not have been clear about a few things or given all of the details. I will do my best to review past blogs and update them as new information is always making itself available.
It is my desire to eventually hold classes on Ascension; incorporating some of the teachings I have learned over the years. At the moment, I am not employed. I decided to take a leap of faith and trust in the universe and myself to provide what I need to live. So sometimes that manifests as odd jobs that come up like designing a business card or doing some house cleaning.
I have been coming up with ideas to write about. So I'm going to do my best to blog every day. And to keep my site fresh.
As I read back through some of my old blogs, I realize that I may not have been clear about a few things or given all of the details. I will do my best to review past blogs and update them as new information is always making itself available.
It is my desire to eventually hold classes on Ascension; incorporating some of the teachings I have learned over the years. At the moment, I am not employed. I decided to take a leap of faith and trust in the universe and myself to provide what I need to live. So sometimes that manifests as odd jobs that come up like designing a business card or doing some house cleaning.
I have been coming up with ideas to write about. So I'm going to do my best to blog every day. And to keep my site fresh.
11 July, 2009
Sometimes, like today, I feel like I don't want to be here anymore. The only thing that keeps me going is thinking how awful it would be for my son to be without me and me without him. I feel like I could really do without people period. How can people be so insensitive to each other???! I just want all of this to be over with already!( I want to ascend!) Just so sad today...I was going to have a job walking a neighbor's dog (who really likes me by the way) and out of the blue, she calls me to say that she can't invite anybody new into her life right now with all that she's been through and she's very sensitive and "feels my judgment". Well, I never felt like I judged her, I mean she's free to live her life the way she wants~I don't care! I can't remember telling her anything that she could have construed as judgmental. I don't know if I'm crying because I feel misunderstood or if I'm just sad that I missed out on an opportunity to make some money doing something I love doing(being with animals). Probably both. Oh well, my loss in walking the dog and her loss because I would have respected the boundries she has. Her dog really loved Hober too. Too bad, now I feel like I can't take him over there to even visit him. How do I tell my son? I know this isn't the end of the world but right now, it feels like it because that was going to be the start of a new income. I am jobless right now. I have vowed to myself not to "work" for anyone else. I want to be self employed because I just can't deal with other people's crap(stuff) anymore. People don't walk their talk and it bugs me. All I want to do is pay off all my debt, go to Hawaii and become part-owner of Pangaia and teach the Laws of Creation with appropriate trades and exchanges. Is that so bad? I honestly don't want to "work" at all anymore. I have spent most of my life since I was 16 working for other people that has gotten me nowhere! Why can't I have what I want?!
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