Many people have come to think that money is their most valuable resource. I would say that these people are more focused on material things and are thinking on a shallow level. Money can make things easier, however, I have also seen how it can complicate things. I've proven to myself that I can get along quite well and be happy without a lot of money. True, we need money (right now) for some things and I never got away from money completely but I came pretty damn close!😜
There are others that think time is their most valuable resource. Time is an illusion. If you were to travel to another planet in another solar system, time would be different there than it is here. We experience time only because of the cyclic nature of the Moon orbiting the Earth and the Earth orbiting the Sun. It is important how you "spend" your time but more important, where you give your attention within any "time period" is far more important that most realize.
Money, time and attention all speak to our value system. I can remember quite well when I thought money was important and every job I went after had money as the #1 criteria. How much money could I make and was it going to be enough to support myself? As I have evolved, so has my value system. Then time made it to the top of the "list" if you will; then happiness.
Part of this shift was due to my "tuning into" the collective. I haven't always thought for myself; being an empath, it has been a difficult road for me to discern "what's mine" versus what belongs to "others" either individually or collectively. The rest of "the shift" in my values was all mine. I learned to discern "mine" from "yours". It's still somewhat of a slippery slope for me.
It dawned on me one day in the recent past how our attention has been hijacked so-to-speak on multiple levels. I think it was first a "download" I got some time ago (not sure when) and then as I rose in vibration and integrated this new perspective, I was able to see how shifting my attention from one vibration to another affected how I felt and consequently, how it shifted my reality.
My conscious shift in values happened from going through experiences that showed me where my values lay. Mostly from getting the contrasting experience (one I didn't want) to show me what I valued in terms of what I thought I wanted and in order to get what I DID want, I had to then shift my values along with my attention.
Hope that makes sense. I know it's vague. I think the best example I can give that would make sense to everyone is the values we have that surround what we want in a partner or committed relationship.
The example I give at the beginning of this post highlights this perfectly. I realized after getting together with someone who could grow their own food was not as valuable as someone who is honest and has integrity. I also came to the conclusion that by applying faith and trust, my food needs would be taken care of by many different sources.
Attention is synonymous with presence. Presence means to be Here, Now. Not in the past and not in the future. It's an attribute of our Consciousness. Attention in the present moment is where ALL your power is in creating your future. Attention to the past or the future is usually filled with feelings that don't feel good because we are either lamenting, ashamed or beating ourselves up about something that has already happened or we are worried about our future based on past experience or trying to "plan" for our future in ignorance that there is already a plan in place that we mapped out ahead of time before we incarnated. Most people have a hard time believing this but it IS true for ALL of us.
Where we put our attention is going to determine the quality of our experience and the subsequent feeling attached to it. Attention to how we feel should be paramount! Our feelings are what help us determine if we are having a good experience (getting what we want) or a bad one (what we don't want) so that we can then put our attention on what we want based on our values.
Normally, we are not aware of this process but this is what is happening on a fundamental level. I've just broken it down in order to see it better.
Be careful where/what you give your attention to. TV, commercials, movies and media ALL want your attention to GET YOUR MONEY!! They DO NOT care about you or your health. It's not called "programming" for nothing! Remember that because I Love You!💖😘
There are others that think time is their most valuable resource. Time is an illusion. If you were to travel to another planet in another solar system, time would be different there than it is here. We experience time only because of the cyclic nature of the Moon orbiting the Earth and the Earth orbiting the Sun. It is important how you "spend" your time but more important, where you give your attention within any "time period" is far more important that most realize.
Money, time and attention all speak to our value system. I can remember quite well when I thought money was important and every job I went after had money as the #1 criteria. How much money could I make and was it going to be enough to support myself? As I have evolved, so has my value system. Then time made it to the top of the "list" if you will; then happiness.
Part of this shift was due to my "tuning into" the collective. I haven't always thought for myself; being an empath, it has been a difficult road for me to discern "what's mine" versus what belongs to "others" either individually or collectively. The rest of "the shift" in my values was all mine. I learned to discern "mine" from "yours". It's still somewhat of a slippery slope for me.
It dawned on me one day in the recent past how our attention has been hijacked so-to-speak on multiple levels. I think it was first a "download" I got some time ago (not sure when) and then as I rose in vibration and integrated this new perspective, I was able to see how shifting my attention from one vibration to another affected how I felt and consequently, how it shifted my reality.
My conscious shift in values happened from going through experiences that showed me where my values lay. Mostly from getting the contrasting experience (one I didn't want) to show me what I valued in terms of what I thought I wanted and in order to get what I DID want, I had to then shift my values along with my attention.
Hope that makes sense. I know it's vague. I think the best example I can give that would make sense to everyone is the values we have that surround what we want in a partner or committed relationship.
The example I give at the beginning of this post highlights this perfectly. I realized after getting together with someone who could grow their own food was not as valuable as someone who is honest and has integrity. I also came to the conclusion that by applying faith and trust, my food needs would be taken care of by many different sources.
Attention is synonymous with presence. Presence means to be Here, Now. Not in the past and not in the future. It's an attribute of our Consciousness. Attention in the present moment is where ALL your power is in creating your future. Attention to the past or the future is usually filled with feelings that don't feel good because we are either lamenting, ashamed or beating ourselves up about something that has already happened or we are worried about our future based on past experience or trying to "plan" for our future in ignorance that there is already a plan in place that we mapped out ahead of time before we incarnated. Most people have a hard time believing this but it IS true for ALL of us.
Where we put our attention is going to determine the quality of our experience and the subsequent feeling attached to it. Attention to how we feel should be paramount! Our feelings are what help us determine if we are having a good experience (getting what we want) or a bad one (what we don't want) so that we can then put our attention on what we want based on our values.
Normally, we are not aware of this process but this is what is happening on a fundamental level. I've just broken it down in order to see it better.
Be careful where/what you give your attention to. TV, commercials, movies and media ALL want your attention to GET YOUR MONEY!! They DO NOT care about you or your health. It's not called "programming" for nothing! Remember that because I Love You!💖😘