26 June, 2018

What I've been experiencing lately

I haven't posted very much in the way of what I personally have been going through so I'll tell you a bit now...

After finding Glacia Rain and watching her video on ascension and "symptoms" we may experience, she mentioned one that until a day ago, I hadn't experienced.  She said that things may appear "pixelated".  When I woke up yesterday, I opened my eyes and what I was seeing (the bedroom I was in) looked exactly like that, pixelated!  It was seeing seeing squares.  I was seeing the room as I usually do but with what seemed like a screen over it but more focused on the screen (squares) than the background although both were in focus.  I hope that makes sense.  She also mentioned seeing flashes of light which I've been seeing for months now.  They are small, like seeing a pinprick of light showing through the apparent reality I'm looking at in the moment.  Most of the time it's just white but sometimes it's been blue, purple or green.

I still hear tones (softly) in one ear or the other, never both at the same time.  They are always at different pitches and only last for about 10 seconds or less.  It's NOT tinnitus.

I have more frequent "hits" of intuition.  They are most often about mundane stuff, like silly details about my clients that I work for.  I think these happen so as to give me "practice" of hearing the difference between an ego thought and the quick picture or one word I'll see/hear.  I get intuition on the "big" stuff also but that's usually when I've asked for clarification or I'm listening for an answer to a question I've asked.

About 10 days ago, I got awakened at about 2AM and after relieving myself and going back to bed, I lay there wanting to go back to sleep and I was aware of old memories of previous relationships with men that I had forgotten about.  It was stuff that was being dredged up to be cleared.  They were also memories that I had chosen at the time to forget because they were painful.  Times when I had said or done something that hurt someone else.  This was also mentioned by Glacia Rain but it's not the first time I've had this experience.  It has been years since I can remember being aware of this happening.

I'm still finding it somewhat exasperating that I have this ego personality that is bent on "protecting" me by using judgment to push people away, making others wrong and name calling although I have a pretty good handle on that.  lol  Name calling is the one aspect I have better control over.  I don't say it to their face by I allow myself to think it.  For now, that seems the best temporary solution until I this part will allow me to work with it.  Not that this is any excuse but I got name calling from my Mom.  That was one the ways she verbally abused me.  There is a certain "satisfaction" in calling someone a dumbass, moron or a fucking idiot!  lmao

For years now, I've had heart flutters that have never been scary at all and I've read are how my heart is keeping up with the changes in frequency.  That makes sense to me.  I know I have a solid connection with Gaia and her own frequency is changing.  We call it the "Schumann Resonance".  Scientists erroneously think that this will never change but keeping in mind that our planet is a living, sentient being as we are but with a MUCH bigger body, she is going through massive changes in her own body that we are becoming witness to as in the huge volcanic event going on in Hawai'i right now.

Ever since I was a kid I've had a "special" connection with animals.  Today, my main way of creating income is by house/pet sitting and dog walking.  I sometimes can see when I tell them to do something by telling them what I WANT and not what I DON'T want that they understand me and they do what I ask.  My telepathic connection to animals is increasing.  Note:  telepathy is NOT the same thing as mind reading.  Telepathy is communication with pictures and that IS how animals communicate with their minds.  They have other ways of communication as well.

I have increasing sensitivity to certain foods like sugar.  I can't eat as much as I used to which I'm grateful for.  Right now, I can't imagine not having some kind of sugar everyday but I hope in the near future, I will change that.  I also rarely eat beef anymore.  I still enjoy the occasional hamburger but less and less often.  Eventually, I may get the point energetically where I no longer want to eat ANY meat but for now, I'm still a carnivore.  I also can't eat as much dairy as I used to and I've learned to substitute coconut milk when I need milk for a recipe.  I've learned to pay more attention to how my body feels when I eat so that I'm aware of how it's reacting and I can take steps to eliminate what I need to.

I've also had days over the last month where I've often felt like I needed a nap.  I've heard that these are periods when we need time to integrate our "upgrades".  I have also felt moments where I've felt "heavy" and moments where I've felt extremely "light" as in weight.

I still go through periods of impatience that, honestly, I just wish would quit but I guess I have yet to accept that I'm right where I'm supposed to be as well as everyone else and everything is happening in diving timing! lol

I still also need lots of time to myself not only to integrate the new energy that is coming to us but I just get tired of dealing with people in general.  Many people whether they realize it or not take more energy than they give.  I often feel drained of energy if I'm in a group or crowd of people that are not connected to their own source and are actively giving as much energy as they are receiving.  I've always had a difficult time being in big crowds being an empath and picking up on everyone's energy.

Over the last few days I've had a "rash of luck".  I went to a party held for members at the bike shop I volunteer at and I won a door prize and got to choose what I wanted so I have a brand new pair of bike gloves!  When I hung out with my son on the same day, I got 2 free games playing pinball.  I know to some that's not a big deal and it's not but it sure is fun to win things for free!  I've also had some luck when biking to avoid the rain coming.  I'd like to say that my prayers are being answered when I ask for it to hold off until I get where I'm going and maybe it's true because more often than not, I avoid the rain when I'm on my bike.  I don't really believe in "luck" anymore.  I follow intuitive guidance and that is how I create what I really want.  I don't really try to "avoid".  That's resistance and I no longer give resistance to anything.  I go with the flow and either keep going or jump out!  I also found something I thought that I'd lost that was not really that important but it was something I used a lot.

I continue to get timely messages through different sources that makes life interesting a fun.

That's all for now....💋💖🌀

24 June, 2018


Competition has 2 sides.  There is the UNHEALTHY competition that gets practiced most often where one person has to lose in order for the other to win and then there is the HEALTHY competition where both sides win.

I have only practiced the unhealthy version of competition a very few times in my life.  I've done the occasional arm wrestle, thumb wrestle, rock/paper/scissors, board games and when I was a sophomore in High School I was on the Freshman basketball team.  I sucked!  lmao😜😝👎  I consider that a good thing. (wink)

The unhealthy version is unhealthy because it forces one side into "losing" based on the premise that they are "less than" the other side who "won".  That promotes feelings of loss, not being good enough, hatred, resentment and whatever other negative emotion you want to throw in there.  The side that "won" gets to gloat, brag, puff up and feel "better than" the side that "lost".  This is practiced mostly in professional sports and sports in general or in any situation in which you have 2 or more divisions of people.  and that's the worst part about competition is that it's divisive of people. There is the illusion of people coming together to support what is being played out but even then, they are divided in who they are "rooting for".   That's not to mention the involvement of money in professional sports!  And, there will always be someone "better" that comes along and topples the previous "better" person off his pedestal.

I've often said that it's a shame that people can come together for a professional game that is doing nothing GOOD for community except maybe providing temporary entertainment but they won't come together in that scale to make a difference in their own community.  People's priorities and values still have not caught up to what is most important.  They still act like they are victims and they don't even realize how victimized they really are.  Wait until they find out just how bad things have gotten all over the world...

What does healthy, win/win competition look like?  When both sides are playing for fun and to encourage their own personal growth and betterment in whatever it is they are doing; pushing the limits of what "the body" and mind can do.  There is no "I'm better than you are." attitude or feelings of loss when someone doesn't do as well as they expected.  It's wanting the "other" to win as well as the Self.  It's encouraging each other to be a better version of ourselves especially outside of playing games.  It promotes feelings of Unity, togetherness and brotherhood.

I think some of the unhealthy attitude comes from insecurity.  In fact, I'm sure of it.  Only from my own experience of eliminating my own insecurity, do I realize that not knowing our own God Self and not knowing the Ego self is what contributes most to the unhealthy society we have today.

Of course, the way we live and how society functions is a result of our "controllers" sometimes called   the "cabal" or the "illuminati" etc orchestrating every aspect of our lives.  WE MUST WAKE UP from this induced slumber and face the truth.  It is happening, just very slooowly!  😖  Keeping a win/win desire will help in transitioning from 3D energy to 5D energy.  We are getting the opportunity now to do that while we are in 4D energy; in the midst of this transition.

Keep on keeping on and good luck!

Thought Creates Reality

Dr. Masaru Emoto's research on water is what PROVES that thought creates reality.  It may not be said exactly as that but that's what it means when it's said that our consciousness affects water.  His work was featured in the movie "What the Bleep Do We Know" and I highly recommend watching it.  Consciousness doesn't affect JUST water, it affects EVERYTHING!  The whole "it's a particle and it's a wave" thing is the same thing only that is about observation.  It is related for sure.  Just observing something changes it.  We may not be aware of the thoughts we are having while we observe but it's still happening.

The Law of Attraction (also called The Law of Cause and Effect or Karma) is just one law that is involved in this creation.  The LOA simply says that like energy will attract like energy.  That means whatever energy you are giving the Universe to work with is what you are going to get back.

Intention is also important.  That's where our "free choice" comes into play.  Do we seek to hurt or help, hate or love, do bad or do good?  It's important to realize here that our creation must be "in the best interest of all concerned" for it to come to us.  We are also working with the free will of others.  You may want the "guy next door" but he may not want you.  You're going to get what is in the highest and best for ALL (we are all ONE).  This Law is actually the foundation of the LOA because when you set your intention your free will choice is dictating the energy or vibration you hold.

Then there is The Law of Allowance.  That is about letting go of expectation of how, when and what our creation will look like when it comes to us.  It's about getting the ego out of the way to allow the Universe to perform its "magick" to give us what we have vibrationally asked for.  This is probably the hardest for people to understand.  They must "get out of the way" to get what they asked for.  This is why it's so important to know your own ego so you can see/hear/feel when you are getting in the way.  Our own beliefs fall into play with this Law as well.  Do you believe that you deserve what you are asking for?  Are you even aware of how you may be getting your own way?  And let me tell you this also, if you have any thoughts based in unhealthy competition, it's not going to work the way you want it because you are expecting someone NOT to get what they want so you can get what you want and in that thought alone that you may not even be aware of, you will be the one NOT getting what you want.  Part of that is based in lack thinking.  Thinking there is not enough to go around or for everyone to have what they want and it's just not true.  That is a complete fallacy!

Over the years, I've seen many instances where one or more of these laws are left out of teachings.  I definitely think that the "controllers' have had a hand in hijacking the spiritual movement; using teachers as pawns by either using money as a motivator or blackmailing these teachers to  intentionally hide information or change it in a way that while it gives truth, is only part of the truth and not enough to fulfill the purpose of using the information.  I believe this is what is going on with the movie "The Secret".  It does not cover everything that is needed to PROPERLY manifest and leaves one thinking that all they need to do is think happy thoughts to get what they want.

I know for certain, based on my own experiences that THOUGHT MOST DEFINITELY CREATES REALITY.  I know this because of the synchronicity I see or the lack of it in my own life.  It's also happening faster.  As time speeds up and we rise higher in vibration, the lag time between when we ask and when we get is closing.  Keep in mind, there is also Divine Timing which says we will get some things only when we are ready for them.  I tend to think these are the "big" desires we have, the perfect relationship, a lot of money, the perfect job etc.  Generally, we get these "perfect" things when we have mastered our ego and it's no longer an issue so we can fully enjoy these "perfect" creations.

It's pretty easy to tell where you were vibrationally when you asked for what you asked.  Karma is your indicator of where your energy was at the time of asking.  This allows you to make adjustments in your intention and you energy and also how well you allowed what you wanted to come to you.  Make sure to stay out of judgment as that just hinders progress.

Sometimes it is true that what we ask for never comes to us because it's not in ANYONE'S best interest at all.  You may never get all that money because it may corrupt your ego or just not be the experience you need in this lifetime.

We are also working with the plan we came in with.  I don't plan from the ego.  I give my ego involvement over to my god Self to make decisions that are in alignment with the plan I came here with.  That's what it means to "Let go and let god".  Individually, we are God with a little "g".  That's why it's not capitalized.  Collectively we are "God" and then there is still GOD the Source beyond us collectively.  We have our own guidance system to follow god and it's call INTUITION.

I believe that we ALL created lives for ourselves BEYOND what our little egos can imagine and I also believe that we all wanted the BEST and in the highest version for ourselves.  The BEST we can do is to give into our own creative Source that animates our bodies. (temple)  Sometimes, on the outside, it may not look like "the best life" we could have created for ourselves and that is due to the amnesia we all carry as to what we came to experience.  I don't believe in "accidents" or "mistakes" so whatever life has been created by ANYONE, EVER is EXACTLY what they came to experience regardless of how it looks on the outside.  Whether it's the perspective of a "negative" experience or of the opposite, the end result is what we came to experience.  And I see that PURELY from a spiritual perspective devoid of judgment for all of you who are tempted to make me wrong about this... lol

Often, we need the negative experience in contrast to the positive one to actually HAVE the positive experience.  How often is it said that "you don't know what you've got until it's gone."?  That is the wisdom of someone who has recognized that they needed the contrasting, negative experience to realize they had already had the opposite for how do you know you have something good until you have the bad?  and for the record here, there is no "good" or "bad".  Those are labels we give to wanted experience or not wanted experience.  Everything is neutral until we look at it; that's when it's becomes "good" or "bad".  That is the whole point of duality and having "free will" is to utilize it as we need to to manifest the Best possible outcome.  We may just need the contrast first in order to recognize "The Best".

The last thing that comes into play is Karma carried over from one lifetime to another.  Sometimes we are destined to have the experience we have because of past Karma and the best way to move past that is to realize the "lesson" which is always that we are ONE and what we do to another is what we do to ourselves.

The best advice I can give is to practice what I do myself.  Be truly happy for the successes of "others"and not just fake it; you will have success yourself.  Always strive for the win/win outcome and that will take practice and when others aren't successful, praise them anyway so that they are encouraged to make another effort again to succeed.  Help each other without rescuing; give a hand up, not a hand out.  ALWAYS put people before money.  Eliminating judgment is crucial and just being neutral is preferable to anything else.  Find the neutral observer in yourself and help your self to see both sides and that helps in understand why there really is no "right" or "wrong".  And lastly, be happy with what you get and if it's not "right" try again.  This will automatically (as long as you are not faking) set you up with the right intention so you won't have to think about it.  It will also help you to be truly happy so that you will be in the right vibration as you create.  Always praise yourself and thank yourself as well and NEVER make a decision or try to create when you are feeling negative emotions.  There are exceptions always like when creating any kind of art.  Do your best to follow your own inner guidance and you will NEVER go wrong!

And do your best to keep a balance of work and play.

I hope this was helpful in understanding how what you think materializes.  How you think of yourself and how you think of others sets the stage for what you get.

22 June, 2018

Update on "The Event"

This morning I talked on the phone with a woman who calls herself Glacia Rain.  You can find her website here and her YouTube channel here.  I highly recommend watching her vids for information relating to ascension symptoms/shift in energy.

I asked her what her thoughts are on "The Event"/solar flash.  She said that she had held off saying anything about this "Event" because she didn't want to "burst any bubbles" (those are MY words) and trigger people's fear.  She said that people that have seen the Solar flash saw it from a multi-dimensional perspective that was in the "NOW" moment.  It happened for them a a single moment, a flash of light from the Galactic Center.  For us, in 3D, with our NOW moment stretched out, the Solar flash already happened and the energy from it is hitting us in waves.  We are going through "The Event" RIGHT NOW!  It's a stretched out linear version of what was seen multi-dimensionally.

There is NOT going to be a big flash from our sun or one spectacular moment that uplift us beyond our fears for good.  AT least not in the near future.  It's a gradual process that we are going through COLLECTIVELY; however, we will have individual great leaps that are like taking many "steps".  It's usually preceded by taking a few back.  I say it's so that we can get a running start.  lol

After she told me about the the Solar flash being seen from a multi-dimensional view, it made so much sense to me because of the expanded view I have of what is going on.

I really like how she explains things and I don't mind giving her the credit and encouraging people to see her stuff.  She does "sessions" which she describes on her website as well.  She is clearly further ahead of the curve than I!  lol

On another note... the disinformation that has been created around "The Event" and what it's supposed to look/feel like has been part of a propaganda campaign by "the cabal" or "deep state" to use this process of ascension against us and to hold us back as long as they can by keeping us in fear around it.  If people believe that a solar flash is actually going to take place and it's something they should see and it doesn't happen, not only does that make the spiritual community that is unknowingly spreading this news look like idiots but it destroys faith in the unknown and could cause people to think they're missing out on something when they're not.

There is NO WAY any of us are going to miss out on ANYTHING!  It just can't happen energetically so NO ONE has ANYTHING to fear.  We are all ONE and that means we are in this TOGETHER!

Have faith in what you don't know and learn to enjoy the mystery of NOT KNOWING what is going to happen next.  Ego is the one who "needs to know" and we are integrating the ego back to our core self where IT CAME FROM!  Ego didn't just pop up out of nothing... its individual personalities get created as we grow up.

Anyway, bottom line, we ARE EXPERIENCING THE EVENT NOW!  Let go of what you think you know and start asking your innate, your own source for the answers you seek.  Therein lies the TRUTH.😉💖

19 June, 2018

What it means to me to be a Lightworker

I seem to remember re-reading a post from probably 2006 or so when my blog was on MySpace about what a Lightworker is.  It wasn't in my own words but I posted it because I thought it was better than what I could have written at the time.

Now I'd like to give my own version.

a lightworker is a brave soul who answered the call of Gaia to come and anchor light to Earth to help in the process of her ascension.  It is Earth that has made the choice to ascend and humans get to go along for the ride.  We may be teachers but we did not come to teach.  Many of us, I believe, already mastered 3D and came back for the challenge of changing density from a higher one to a lower one, being birthed into that lower density and overcoming all the different circumstances we set ourselves up for to help Gaia rise up to the 5th density that she has already been at; having fallen to the 3rd some time ago.

As we go along, we rise into more of our own light, anchor more light, rise more, anchor more etc.  It's a gradual process and many times there are steps taken back as well before we make a huge leap forward.  We "enlighten" ourselves and help others do the same with "reminders"; individual gifts that we all bring with us.  We are shining our light in the darkest of places to remind those on the "darker path" that they are divine as well and we honor them for their service to the light by their darker choices.

We are not "better than" those on the darker path, just on a different mission.  We balance the dark until we reach the "tipping point" when light will overcome dark and we will be catapulted forward into a lighter density (5th) never to experience the lower vibrations again.

Some of us are here just to anchor light and some of us have a different mission.  I think when the time is right for each of us that we will regain our memories of past lives and our akash and we will know without a doubt what we came to do.  Before that happens, we much overcome our ego so as not to get lost on a trip about our mission.

Most of humanity is traumatized from being on a planet that exploded.  That would be what the Egyptians called Tiamat or another name was Maldek; what is now called the Asteroid belt.  Lightworkers were not on the planet when it exploded.  They were elsewhere in the Universe on different planets living a different life.  They have come from all over the Galaxy and other Galaxies to help; having already had many lifetimes (sometimes) on Earth.

The Sun has its role in the ascension process as well.  It delivers timely flares and energy channeled from the Galactic Center to aid in the upliftment of energy.

Beings from all over the Universe are watching to see if we make it!  All eyes are on us but no one is allowed to interfere.  That would negate the grand experiment going on to see if we can do it on our own and I KNOW that we are doing it!  We have tried several times before and failed but not this time...👏👌💖💪😊

17 June, 2018


Today was a day that I haven't experienced in a few months.  I felt emotionally withdrawn, sad and confused as to what was going on with me.

I've been keeping track of what is going on with the lava flow on Big Island because I know a lot of people who have been displaced.  I lived there over 5 years.

I saw some pics and video from FB that were posted by my girlfriend that another friend took when they went back into Leilani Estates to pick up stuff from the house.

I was shocked by what I saw.  There is a tower of lava (cone) that rises about 80 feet above where the road is where the lava is still fountaining. (what they are calling fissure 8)  There is also a river of lava that is said to be the fastest moving flow of lava ever seen!  I saw it on video and it IS moving VERY fast!  I was in awe, just awe at how the subdivision has changed.  Everything is brown and dead except for this one patch of green that I saw.  They had to drive over big cracks in the road on boards...

After talking with Ima a few minutes, I had to talk with my Mom.  I've been avoiding talking with Ima because I know that I can't handle what she wants to talk about.  Being an empath, I'm still very connected to the Island and the people I know there.  I think that the impact of it all has finally "hit" me and I cried when I was telling my Mom about what I saw.  I don't think I'll ever be able to go back there again...😢 Most of the cool, fun places I've gone to are gone forever; covered in lava.

That's not all of it.  I'm going through this personal thing too.  I've been single for a very long time and I'm starting to think about men from my past that could have been a possible relationship that I ignored or just didn't have the courage to step up to as well as a man I've met more recently.

Being single hasn't been an issue at all.  I've been very happy being single; having no one to answer to but myself and I've only been lonely a few times over that last 8 years.  Suddenly I have this "longing" for a man that has come out of nowhere!  WTF is going on???!

I just sucks to feel this way and it's difficult to find anything to be grateful for... I have to laugh at the irony of that because I went to sleep last night thinking of what I was grateful for that day... lol (eyeroll!) I spent the whole day (almost) on the couch and watching netflix and eating comfort food.  It's the worst I've eaten in months.  I did go to the farmer's market and got some stuff and saw (one of) the guys that I was interested in before I even went to Hawai'i.

Sunday:  As I was thinking about what I wrote yesterday, I was reminded of what Laura Walker said on the Oracle Report and Kaypacha said in his latest video for this week.  Astrological events are affecting me.  Uranus is conjunct the Chiron point.  Uranus puts us where we need to be if we haven't gotten there on our own and Chiron is the wounded healer.  A conjunction is a positive thing and it's when both planets are in proximity to each other in the sky from our point of view.

The one thing I have left to heal is my relationship with men and inside, the relationship I have with my own inner male.  I have been aware of this for quite some time and it's the reason I haven't pursued a relationship.  I have noticed that my inner male has made his "debut" as an outer personality.  It's the reason I'm working as a mechanic on bikes and I have this brash, "don't fuck with me" attitude with people (inside my head).  I've also become more athletic and taking more action.  On the outside, I'm still kind and compassionate when I have to converse with people.

I think what I'm experiencing is this Chiron activation.  Thank goodness I have the desire to heal my inner male and I've tried but this part of myself still distrusts me and I think maybe what will do it is getting into a relationship with a man I can trust.  While I prefer to do the work on my own, sometimes that's not what we have planned out for ourselves.

I actually would love to get together with a man... I miss lots of things associated with relationship.  Kissing, sex, cuddling, hanging out and just being together with someone.

I'm suddenly excited by the possibility that I meet someone new or have my desire for one I've already met rekindled.  I can hardly wait to see what happens!  😍💕💋

16 June, 2018

What does it mean to be Conscious?

Consciousness has many "levels" to it from my experience.  First there is consciousness that pertains to the physical body.  The body is awake.  There is just being aware that we have a body, then being aware of the sensations of the body and then being aware of the mind/body connection and our "innate".  The Innate is  the body having it's own intelligence and being able to tap into that to get our own answers about our health.  That should be obvious... because our body IS intelligent, it's the innate that is in charge of all the different processes that happen without us having to think about it.  

Then there is mental, emotional and spiritual consciousness.

To me, mental consciousness is being aware of what is UNCONSCIOUS in us.  This is one level of knowing ourselves.  Getting to know all the different parts of ourselves that get created when we go through trauma that are in charge of "protecting" the traumatized soul:  what they look like, sound like as in the language they use and the strategies they use to get needs met.  It's also about re-educating ourselves to what is going on around us and getting in touch with the Truth.  Our own Truth as well as the Truth of what we have been taught.  We have been lied to about literally EVERYTHING!

Emotional consciousness is related to mental consciousness and often called "emotional intelligence".  It's how our emotions evolve as we get to know all our different parts.  What I have discovered is that emotions change as we become aware and work with our different parts.  Behaviors change on their own and that changes us emotionally.  We become less emotional in a negative sense.  The better we understand ourselves, the calmer we become and we have better "control" over our emotions.  We respond rather than re-act.  We utilize our free choice more consciously.

Then there is Spiritual Consciousness.  To me, that is learning the Truth about who we are on a spiritual level.  We've been lied to about that as well.  It's coming into contact with the Love that we are, shining our light of that Love and continually educating and reminding ourselves that we are (G)god.  There seem to be many layers to this also.  

Becoming "conscious" happens in degrees it seems.  We only accept what we are ready for and we never know we are ready until we're in the moment.  We don't become more conscious unless we are actively seeking it or we have it thrust upon us because we aren't doing it on our own.  

Becoming more conscious must happen slowly so that we are not overwhelmed with all that there is to become aware of!  This is often the source of my own impatience and I must constantly remind myself that everyone is doing the best they can with what they have, including myself.  

It's not easy being ahead of the curve so-to-speak.  For me, it means spending a lot of time by myself because it drives me nuts sometimes to be with people who "don't get it".  It's no fault of their own, they are just slower to "wake up".  It's challenging to say the least, however, I notice more and more that people are waking up exponentially.  It's happening faster and faster and the more people become aware, the more they influence others in their awareness. 

When I notice leaps that people make in their awareness and when I have my own, it re-instills my confidence that it IS happening however slow it may seem to me and I enjoy being witness to the awaking that others have and sharing it with me.

What I hope for soon is that I become "fully conscious".  To me that means recovering all the memories I have from past lives and my life in-between all my incarnations.  To have access to all of my spiritual gifts and wisdom of accumulated lives.   It think this will happen when I have completed the healing of my soul and my ego is fully integrated with the rest of the True Me.   Only then will I be ready for that big leap as otherwise it would be too much of a distraction for my ego and it could be tempting to go off on a "trip" with that knowledge.  💖👌👏 

14 June, 2018

Doing "the work"

This topic will be easy to write about because I have lots of experience with not wanting to do "the work", whatever it was.  lol

My most profound moment with realizing that I didn't want to do it was when it was pointed out to me by an asian man whom I went to see here in Boulder.  (over 10 years ago)  It was an introduction to his workshop that I attended and I was waiting to ask him a question at the end.  I don't even remember what my question was, what the workshop was about or even what his name was, I just remember asking my question and then he flat-out told me, "because you don't want to do the work."  I was floored!  I felt shock ripple through my body.  I was astounded at the ease with which he told me, without judgment and so casually.  I didn't know what to say so I simply left.  

I am amazed at how a simple statement of truth can affect us so profoundly!  Part of my shock was related to the realization that he was right and I was able to admit it!  

It wasn't until a few years ago, in looking back, that I realized that I had had a history scattered with many times of not wanting to do work.  It didn't matter what "the work" was whether it was doing dishes or doing my "inner work".  

That shifted when I decided I'd had enough of feeling like shit... I was depressed, had no job for over 2 years and was struggling to pay rent, take care of my son and also struggling with my self.  It wasn't until I got back on my feet and felt better that I started getting the intuitive thoughts that I wanted and needed a better relationship with my lower, ego self.  

 I think it was just making the decision to have a better relationship with me that opened the door, so to speak, to finding different modalities to try until I found IFS.  IFS, by far, has had the most profound effect as it's based in self love and finding the love within you to share with your ego self.

I would say that ALL of the modalities I tried are valid and work, it just boiled down to what kind of work I was attracted to do and what worked for me.  Byron Katies "The Work" was good and help one to accept responsibility for what is.  I also did "Journey Work" by Brandon Bays who has become popular in the UK.  I've done EFT or "tapping" which does work, however, I found it to be more of a "bandaid" temporary solution rather than something that actually gets to the heart of trauma.  And that's what it's about, really.  Getting to the heart of trauma to heal it.  Journey work was OK but I knew there was a better solution that wouldn't necessitate re-experiencing my trauma all over again as what is required in Journey work.  

I also changed my name and I've written about that.  That has also had a profound effect although it has taken years to realize some of the subtle results.   

I notice now, more than ever, that not wanting to "do the work" is a major theme going on with most people that aren't doing their own inner work.  It manifests as not wanting to do other kinds of work.  As thoughts create reality, everything from the inside is reflected in our outer lives.  

I have become rather skilled at seeing what is going on with others as I listen to them and hear about what they are going through.  I can backtrack to the thoughts they may be having just by listening to what come out of their mouth from the language and expressions they use; what is going on with their bodies and the events they are experiencing.  

Our body is always listening to us and it's important that we drop certain expressions that we use like "pain in the ass"... do you really want hemorrhoids?  lol  Another is "pain in the neck", "losing" weight - what we lose we generally want to find again, yes?  There are many others.  Think about it!  

We are always "programming" ourselves  as well with the thoughts we think and what we say.  What we say is our "spell".  This is where "spelling" comes from... arranging letters by their vibration to create "words" that we say as an incantation.  We don't even think about these things.  Laurel Airica is one woman who has discovered some of the secrets about words and what they really mean.  I have learned some of this also from learning the Science of Characteristics.  Read the post about that.  It is related to me changing my name.

Anyway, back to the subject... basically, when I decided I was ready to do my own inner work, I became open to doing all kinds of other work.  Doing the dishes was no longer an issue.  Cooking my own meals was no longer an issue like it used to be, doing housework etc.  I realized that I was willing to do all kinds of things I was never willing to do before.  I think when I was a kid, the word "work" became a "bad" word.  If we don't like the work we have to do in school, school can be the catalyst.  There are many different triggers for work becoming a "bad" thing.  

If you find that you also do not like to "work", when you find that path that "works" for you and you are inspired to do it, it will change everything.😉💖💪

There is SO much more to write about but it is important that you delve into anything that inspires you yourself.

03 June, 2018

Raising Vibration

I see people get the "dear in headlights" look when I tell them about raising their vibration.  They don't ask what that means so that tells me they either don't think to ask or the assume they already know but don't do anything about it.

So what DOES it mean?

Well, there are various ways of doing that.  The first and best is by being the best version of yourself in any given moment.  That means always doing the right, moral best thing that's done out of Love for yourself if it's only about you and then the best win/win decision when someone else is involved.

Physically, it's eating organic, taking care of you body the best you can, making small changes in a positive direction for self improvement every day, doing something selfless for someone else, picking up trash, treating yourself well and that means mentally and not just physically.  Basically, I think we all know what we need to do for ourselves but a lot of us stop short because we don't know how to start or we procrastinate or we make up excuses as to why we can't.

You just have to do it!  Whatever it is!  Nike got that right... "Just do it."  is one of the best company slogans ever.

Walking through fear is one of the best ways to prove ourselves wrong.  Whatever excuses we make to ourselves; acknowledge, thank and then tell yourself, "I can do it!" or "I don't have to believe whatever I'm making up right now." or whatever else you need to tell yourself to just do what you know you need to do that is going to make you a better version of yourself.

It also means dealing with your stuff.  Dealing with the negative things you may be saying about yourself and if you find yourself saying you don't do that, listen to what you say about others.  What you say about others is as much about you as it is them.  If it's negative and you are unaware that this is how you're thinking about yourself, then this is what is stuck in your unconscious that you project to others.  It's nothing to beat yourself up about.  Everyone does it to some degree.  It becomes unconscious because there are parts of ourselves that have a job to protect us and all that negative stuff gets pushed away; behind a curtain or wall or in a box so it won't hurt us.  We stop hearing it on a conscious level and that's when we start projecting.  That's why the only person we really need to listen to is OURSELVES.

It's important to find the neutral observer in us so we can get past the judgment and we can look at ourselves objectively.  This is one of the first steps to dealing with our stuff.

Why is it important to raise vibration?

We (our planet) are in what is called the photon belt.  It is the trail of light particles left behind Alcyone; the Pleiadian star that our own star (sun) revolves around in a spiral.   The frequencies and vibrations are only going UP so the more you can keep up on your own, the better off you'll be and the less you will suffer.  The lower vibration you have, the more chaos you will experience in your life as the planets, especially Uranus, force us into changes to help us increase our vibration and put us in situations that will challenge us to "rise above".   Just remember, we never give ourselves anything we can't handle and what doesn't kill you makes you STRONGER! 💪👍💖😁